Please Critique my Ground strokes - Update after 4 months

Hi, I posted a video 4 months ago asking to critique my groundstrokes. Ive worked on my strokes and I was wondering whether you guys could critique me again.

You seem to be decelerating a lot on your forehand. I know that was "casual" hitting, but you can still be accelerating into contact when hitting casual. You also tend to swing across the ball right to left instead of out through the ball. A lot of short finishes and reverse finishes. I would love to see your contact point from a side view. Either you are late an awful lot, or your are needlessly using reverse finishes with little extension to deal with routine balls.

Your two-hander looks ok, but I didn't really get a great look at it in that video. You're a little more upright than I normally like to see, but this was just casual again...your slice backhand hurts my eyes...stop. That last part wasn't very constructive, but I felt the need to say it :)
You seem to be decelerating a lot on your forehand. I know that was "casual" hitting, but you can still be accelerating into contact when hitting casual. You also tend to swing across the ball right to left instead of out through the ball. A lot of short finishes and reverse finishes. I would love to see your contact point from a side view. Either you are late an awful lot, or your are needlessly using reverse finishes with little extension to deal with routine balls.

Your two-hander looks ok, but I didn't really get a great look at it in that video. You're a little more upright than I normally like to see, but this was just casual again...your slice backhand hurts my eyes...stop. That last part wasn't very constructive, but I felt the need to say it :)
Thanks for these recommendations. I completely agree with a lot of your criticisms and I've even thought I needed to work on them too. I definitely deaccelerate my forehand due to bad habits from pushing. And I am late in a lot of these balls when I should be stepping in and taking it in front of me. Im not sure why I do these short finishes and reverse finishes, but it is probably due to being late and deaccelerating? And Im surprised by your two-hander comments. I felt that my two-hander is actually really bad and I'll try to take more videos from the side. Hahaha, I'll definitely work on that slice I see that I have no balance or knifing in the shot.
You're definitely a little tight with the shoulder rotation, and standing up straight a lot for those two-handers. The arm position and general form doesn't look too bad though. Like I said, I didn't get a great look because you were out of frame for a lot of the backhands you hit, and the camera is a little off center line of the court it seems so angled slightly and hiding some of your backhand side. You definitely hit a better ball with your forehand, but it's easy to see why if that is how you hit about four or five forehands for every two-hander that you hit in that video. You need some more reps on that side.
You're definitely a little tight with the shoulder rotation, and standing up straight a lot for those two-handers. The arm position and general form doesn't look too bad though. Like I said, I didn't get a great look because you were out of frame for a lot of the backhands you hit, and the camera is a little off center line of the court it seems so angled slightly and hiding some of your backhand side. You definitely hit a better ball with your forehand, but it's easy to see why if that is how you hit about four or five forehands for every two-hander that you hit in that video. You need some more reps on that side.
When you mean standing up straight, do you mean I should be keeping my shoulders more forward or my legs are too straight? Yeah I dont feel much rotational power on my backhand which could be due to my footwork positioning where I cross my right foot over my left.
Legs straight, rotation starts from the ground and getting a little bit of weight loaded up by flexing at your hips and knees a little bit (keep the neutral spine so you can rotate properly) could help jump start it. Of course, once it's loaded up you need to actually unload it and use that energy properly.


I havent realized just how many asians play tennis until joining ttw, like 90% people who post videos here are short asians.

Or maybe they are just more diligent and willing to accept critisizm and advice while other people are more unwilling to post videos.

Very interesting.
I havent realized just how many asians play tennis until joining ttw, like 90% people who post videos here are short asians.

Or maybe they are just more diligent and willing to accept critisizm and advice while other people are more unwilling to post videos.

Very interesting.
Probably the second reason. We don't have the same egos.


Hall of Fame
Work on your weight transfer. Will also do you some good to hit slighter closer to the base line, help you prep earlier. Generally very nice, will be good to hit with more pace as you improve


Also compared to leeD you are the Dali Lama in humility.

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Well, I don't consider myself important at all. The only thing I'm not so humble about is what I would have become had I been given proper training/coaching. Even one of my friends said he thinks I would have become supreme.

Anyways, OP needs to use legs more.


Actually, I take it back, I am not humble at all. But wouldn't you prefer that I speak my mind on here? Isn't that more entertaining than me pretending to be humble? I'm sure you all like LeeD.

OP, have you seen the forehand playlist here?:
I usually link a playlist from here for advice. The teaching in these old FYB videos is really top notch.


Why? I just meant that 90% of players posting videos here are asian and short (in relative tennis terms)
Only slightly offended. I call myself short all the time, but I'm usually caught off guard when other people call me short, since I can easily pass myself off as average height. I'm not sure why that is. It is possible I am actually 5' 9''. Still short in tennis, but at least that would make me average height in the U.S.


It looks like you are maybe using too much wrist/forearm because of that Conti-ish grip on the fh. I see the modern take back and the whip finish but at contact your grip looks too continental for this style of stroke. You might try experimenting with a more sw grip so you can hit out front more and naturally go low to high. But keep it up bro looks like you're making it work and hitting pretty good out there!
Hi, I posted a video 4 months ago asking to critique my groundstrokes. Ive worked on my strokes and I was wondering whether you guys could critique me again.

self-problemsolving/troubleshooting 000x more important.........modulating a complex sys fixing up the basic things 1st..........
don't worry abt anything else n right now focus on:
1. ur footwork
2. body weight transfer onto the same direction u'r hitting the ball.

u surely know dat while u'r running forward how easy to hit the ball long w/o effort at try to find dat bit 'easy power' on baseline.
good luck, youngman:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D.............................

kramer woodie

Ha, short is any male under 6 foot. Now I must say at 6'4" standing next to a 6 foot 10 inch 285 pound individual from Samoa, I felt short, really short! He totally block out the sun and cast a 10 foot shadow. Nice guy though!

Ha, short is any male under 6 foot. Now I must say at 6'4" standing next to a 6 foot 10 inch 285 pound individual from Samoa, I felt short, really short! He totally block out the sun and cast a 10 foot shadow. Nice guy though!


lololololol m8, dat samomo's good rugby material m8............bulldozering through opponents like heavy battle tank m8:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D......................

but on tennis court dat net n 24 m apart vaporized any adv of dat bulldozer as w/o body contact all the extra 285lbs meat/fatfuel/etcetc simply become pro-injury burden:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:.................

yrs ago in a club's annual family challenge event, saw a little 11yo junior tournament girl vs a >twice tall 6x weight huge guy full of knee/ankle/elbow/wrist armors from many yrs tennis...............the whole set the giant obeast only got 3 points from dat little skinny/bonny girl in total............dat guy should'v played rugby instead of tennis at least all the meat/fat/etcetc ie the mass/momentum can be utilized in a positive way, m8ohm8o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O...........................
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I havent realized just how many asians play tennis until joining ttw, like 90% people who post videos here are short asians.

Or maybe they are just more diligent and willing to accept critisizm and advice while other people are more unwilling to post videos.

Very interesting.
Asians are total grinders. Tennis and cross country are perfect for that.


Hi, I posted a video 4 months ago asking to critique my groundstrokes. Ive worked on my strokes and I was wondering whether you guys could critique me again.

Heres a really simple correction for you which will allow you to hit with great whip and power, at the moment youre pushing.

Finish turning your body before you swing with the arm.

1) setup is correct.


2) Youve gone wrong here. Youve turned the racket sideways before youve even turned the body. It is the body turn (hips torso shoulder) that should cause the racket to flip sideways on.


3) Youve now started to pull the racket into the ball and youre still at 45 degrees. Youre simultaneously turning your body and pulling the arm to rotate the racket so theres no tension and energy built up in your arm and shoulder.


4) Youre about to hit the ball and there is no stretch or buildup of energy in your arm - youre just about to push it. A bit with your body and a bit with your arm.


The solution is to finish turning your body before your start to pull with your arm. This will create a whip in your arm.


So here Fed has finished turning - now he pulls with the arm. Its a 2 step process. Turn the body which forces the racket backwards - then when youve finished turning and youre facing forwards, your arm will be to your side and the buttcap is facing the ball - now you pull with the arm.

This position Fed is in above cannot be stressed enough. You must get to this slot position, before you pull with the arm and swing at the ball.
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Heres a really simple correction for you which will allow you to hit with great whip and power, at the moment youre pushing.

Finish turning your body before you swing with the arm.

1) setup is correct.


2) Youve gone wrong here. Youve turned the racket sideways before youve even turned the body. It is the body turn (hips torso shoulder) that should cause the racket to flip sideways on.


3) Youve now started to pull the racket into the ball and youre still at 45 degrees. Youre simultaneously turning your body and pulling the arm to rotate the racket so theres no tension and energy built up in your arm and shoulder.


4) Youre about to hit the ball and there is no stretch or buildup of energy in your arm - youre just about to push it. A bit with your body and a bit with your arm.


The solution is to finish turning your body before your start to pull with your arm. This will create a whip in your arm.


So here Fed has finished turning - now he pulls with the arm. Its a 2 step process. Turn the body which forces the racket backwards - then when youve finished turning and youre facing forwards, your arm will be to your side and the buttcap is facing the ball - now you pull with the arm.

This position Fed is in above cannot be stressed enough. You must get to this slot position, before you pull with the arm and swing at the ball.

lolololol m8, dere's a thread something like 'how to visualize lagging, butting.....etcetcetc', viewed hot like cake w/in a mth it got nearly 7k views, much more popular than those 1 yo threads.........gr8 i found it still dere n i thought it's removed, lololololol:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D...............

fed's stuff, a bit high school physics n no need tertiary edu, was under quite high v ie the huge 1/2mvv keeping the rkt hd on track which's only visible by high speed camera........but a lot ppl do dat w/o dat speed, well, dey have 2 arm/wrsit wrestling the imcoming ball mv, again a bit hschl physics. then, felt the horrible pain. didn't u:?))):eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:...............

just let dis little fella grown naturally w/in his own pace, m8. btw actually u'v already known how devastating/horrible to the young elbows/wrists incl. ur own.

dis young man seems know some asian languages:?))).............we/dey all know the 000s yrs old phrase '拨苗助长 To Pull up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow':-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D.................

Grow Seedling By Pulling

Once upon a time, there is an old farmer planting acres of crops. Everyday he went to the field to watch the crops grow. He noticed the seedlings growing little by little each day. He thought they were growing too slowly and got impatient with the young plants. "How could the plants grow faster?" he thought. Bothered by this question, he couldn’t fall asleep. Suddenly he hit upon an idea which he couldn't wait to practice. He jumped from the bed and rushed to the field immediately. One by one, he pulled up the seedlings by half an inch under the moonlight. He did not finish pulling until the next morning. Straightening his back, he said to himself, "What a wonderful idea! Look, how much taller the plants have grown one night!" With great satisfaction, he went back home. He told his son what he had done in a triumphant tone. His son was shocked. Now the sun had risen. The young man was heart-broken to see all the pulled-up young plants dying.

Lesson: People now use " Grow Seedling By Pulling" to describe the behavior of those who are so eager to get something done they only make it worse. The idiom is a bit like the English proverb "Haste makes waste." The idea is you cannot spoil things by excessive enthusiasm.

lololololol man, 000s yrs old stuff...............but sm ppl still won't gt it. good luck, man:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D................
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Hall of Fame
In my opinion, your arm is ok as it is, but try do more squats, stand up, and use your legs, and core more. Use those more and incorporate that into your swing than using your arm then you should start to see some drastic improvements.
In my opinion, your arm is ok as it is, but try do more squats, stand up, and use your legs, and core more. Use those more and incorporate that into your swing than using your arm then you should start to see some drastic improvements.

yep man, his arm/wrist might be a bit too 'advanced' already comparing to his mission critical/crucial big muscle groups n hope in nxt a few mths he won't find himself another te/ge-er joining 50% of the worldwide tennisers n dat's just my hope n he might already got it but anyway he's the best1 knowing his stuff. i saw too many n hit w/ too many of them during the last 10yrs:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:...............
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Hall of Fame
Also, different racquet performs differently, I would say that the racquet you uses specialized more on spin, so some of your movement and footwork has to adjust to that. You can't just slab the ball