Please Help! former Head Graphite Edge user searching replacement in today's market.


80's Edge

I'm trying to get back into tennis after many years; played 4.0 at the time. I used the Head Graphite Edge back in the 80's and I have been searching for years now but cannot find a comparable replacement racquet in terms of touch, feel, and playability in todays racquet market.
I tried the Head Radical MP (too light, no feel), Dunlop 200G & 300G (good weight, but not enough feel), and 90's Wilson PS 6.2(?). Demo'd the Wilson PS(Sampras and Pre-Sampras), but too heavy and too stiff. The Wilson PS 6.2(?) was the closest, but not quite. It did not have the feel and pop (plow through); especially on backhand slices and drop shots, the ball tended to rise and drift.

Read some former posts on the Head Graphite Edge, and like some said. It was like playing with an extension of your arm. Everything you played went where you wanted it to go, without question.

Searching for former Head Graphite Edge users out there that found a suitable replacement racquet; please help.

Steve H.

A Prestige or PK Type C Redondo would probably be closest in modern models. But why not try to find some old Edge frames? Check in TW Classifieds, e__y or elsewhere.


You should hit with a Prestige. Try a Liquid Metal Prestige--they're as good or better than the flexpoint version.


Please don't waste your time trying a LiquidMetal Prestige - you're liable to quit the game altogether if you do that - it's an absolute piece of junk.
The only Prestiges you should consider trying are the Prestige Classic (Mid or 600) and the Intelligence Prestige Mid.
Naturally, neither one is like the Graphite Edge - but I like them enough to use them, and I'm quite familiar with the Graphite Edge - so you may like those two Prestiges, too, with weight added to them.

Other than those two frames... maybe a Fischer Vacuum Pro 90... certainly not a current racquet, but quite a nice one.

You can also take a look in the TW 'Vintage Racquets' section - some interesting things pop up there from time to time - check weekly.
Theyve had Spalding GC-20s, Wilson Stings, Wilson Ultras, etc... which were of the same era as the Graphite Edge, and will certainly be more similar to the Graphite Edge than ANY of today's frames.

80's Edge

Thanks all for your suggestions. Seems everyone is for the Prestige.
Haven't tried any Prestiges yet, but I did look at the older Head Intelligence Prestige Mid (red color, Safin's stick before?). Didn't buy it too costly at the time, but I guess that's the going price nowadays.

Duece, read your previous threads on the HGE. Good to know that someone else out there knows and likes the playing characteristice of that stick. Too bad it seems that whatever is available may be dead and the grommets are brittle and hard to find.

Besides the Head brand, are there any former Head Graphite Edge players out there that switched brands and found a comparable Wilson or Prince with the same playing characteristics?


Bionic Poster
Haven't tried any Prestiges yet, but I did look at the older Head Intelligence Prestige Mid (red color, Safin's stick before?). Didn't buy it too costly at the time, but I guess that's the going price nowadays.
The i.Prestige Mid (Intelligence) is primarily matte black with some gold accents. The ruby red racquet you're thinking of is the Prestige Classic Mid or PC600.


If you thought the Pro Staff original was too stiff, then forget the i.prestige mid size (matte black throat). Go for the real Prestige (Pro/600/Classic). It came out not long after the Graphite Edge yet is still alive and well.


Yesterday I bought a Head Graphite Edge. Used, of course.

If I would compare the HGE to the Prestige (PC600) and the PK Redondo:

The HGE and PC600 share a very similar balance and solidness, as expected.
The HGE and Redondo share a flexy feel, the (my) Redondo being more, more headlight.

All three are similarly comfortable. This is tested against my "built-for-the-purpose" backboard at home. Hitting distance limited to 5 meters (about 16 ft.) max.

Hope this can be helpful, somehow.


Bionic Poster
try the Vantage 63 flex frames...they have that raw, Graphite Edge feel...
The black Vantage 90's even look like the Head Graphite Edge from a distance with their all matte black paintjob with few graphics and small head. I've had several people ask if I was using a Graphite Edge when I was swinging my black Vantage 90. :D


Thanks all for your suggestions. Seems everyone is for the Prestige.
Haven't tried any Prestiges yet, but I did look at the older Head Intelligence Prestige Mid (red color, Safin's stick before?). Didn't buy it too costly at the time, but I guess that's the going price nowadays.

Duece, read your previous threads on the HGE. Good to know that someone else out there knows and likes the playing characteristice of that stick. Too bad it seems that whatever is available may be dead and the grommets are brittle and hard to find.

Besides the Head brand, are there any former Head Graphite Edge players out there that switched brands and found a comparable Wilson or Prince with the same playing characteristics?

What is your grip size on graphite edge?

80's Edge

Thanks again to all (breakpoint, pclassic, louis, tandayu) who responded since my last posting. Seen several people refer to the Kennex Redondo and PC600?

80's Edge

What is your grip size on graphite edge?

Tandayu - The listed grip size on my HGE was 4-1/2. Those days it was foam under the grip, so I used to sand it and customize it close to a more octagonal shaped 4 3/8; much like my older Wilson Jack Kramer Pro Staff wood racquet.

80's Edge

Yesterday I bought a Head Graphite Edge. Used, of course.

If I would compare the HGE to the Prestige (PC600) and the PK Redondo:

The HGE and PC600 share a very similar balance and solidness, as expected.
The HGE and Redondo share a flexy feel, the (my) Redondo being more, more headlight.

All three are similarly comfortable. This is tested against my "built-for-the-purpose" backboard at home. Hitting distance limited to 5 meters (about 16 ft.) max.

Hope this can be helpful, somehow.

Anirut, how does the more head light Redondo feel on ground strokes? I hit one handed backhands; slice, topspin, drops, etc, does the head light feel affect the ground strokes. i.e. no weight behind the ball?