PLEASE HELP ME GUYS...(my racket vs Pure Control)


ok guys, let me just get it straight....I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP.right now I already have Prince NXG OS, Prince Tour Diablo MS and Wilson PS Tour 90. In my local store there's an offer of Babolat Pure Control MP (100") for just $80....and here's my situation.
1. right now Im really on a tight budget, so if I buy the Bab PC, I have to sell one of my racquet, and that would be the NXG OS.
2. Im a 4.0 player, mostly baseliner. I've owned Bab PD+ for around 2 weeks and ended sell it because I found that it is very stiff.
3. Amongs my racket, Diablo and Tour 90 is my main racket.(thats why I would sell the NXG OS)
so, what do you guys think, should I buy the Bab PC and sell my NXG?
and with my situation, is there a slight chance that I would fall in love with Bab PC and use it as my main stick?please help guys


Hall of Fame
PC for $80 is a great buy! Tell me where they are selling and I'll solve your problem immediately. j/k.

But depending on what you want. I think the PC has alot more power than the other racquets you are suggesting. So really depending on you. I am playing with a PC+ right now. But among the racquets you mentioned, PC is kinda hard on your shoulders....


hahahaha i know where will you get the pc. it ends on april 16. better buy it soon. i think it is a good racquet but prefer the 97" headsize. if you want to sell your tour 90 email me.


milo said:
hahahaha i know where will you get the pc. it ends on april 16. better buy it soon. i think it is a good racquet but prefer the 97" headsize. if you want to sell your tour 90 email me.
I want to sell mine.


d_techie said:
In my local store there's an offer of Babolat Pure Control MP (100") for just $80....and here's my situation.

according to a Babolat rep, the "MP" version of the PC is the SAME racquet as the standard ones. from what he said, Babolat got into some trouble marketing the same racquet as 2 different size.

i have both the Team standandard (red color on the top of the frame) and the "MP" (black color on top of the frame). the head sizes are identical and both play identical.

my $.02


New User
I don't know how you play, but looking at your racquets you generate most of your power. The PC has much more power than the racquets that you are using, so if you're buying it for kicks, go ahead, but if you want to use it you should ask to try one of your friends' or demo one first.


do you live in Indonesia too?yes the sale is ended on April I have to hurry...but still not sure about it...hahaha...and sorry the tour 90 is not for sale...anyway, if you do live in jakarta maybe u can send me an email to so far I just found 1 other member that live in jkt...and it would be good to have other 1...just to share info maybe...hahaha

are you sure about this?because after do a search Ive read that PC is better in every departmen except power than bab PD...

unfortunately i live in Indonesia...and the NXG, diablo, and tour 90 is the racket i already have...not the racket Im suggesting...actually I like the PJ of babolat PC and Babolat is rarely seen in my club.Here in Indonesia, prince considered by many recreational player as a cheapo tennis racket....but they said that wow wilson triad or ncode must be good...what a sillly

@psp & thinkhard
so do you guys think that PC will have similiar feel with PD?if the answer is yes than maybe I wouldn't buy it, the stiffness is unacceptable for my elbow n shoulder...(maybe Im too spoiled with my flexible racket).

so it is better to have an NXG OS or Babolat PC in your bag?


d_techie said:
@psp & thinkhard
so do you guys think that PC will have similiar feel with PD?if the answer is yes than maybe I wouldn't buy it, the stiffness is unacceptable for my elbow n shoulder...(maybe Im too spoiled with my flexible racket).

ime, they are two very different racquets. pc is very control oriented; tight string bed; heavier than pd. but, pc is still on the stiff side if you want to compare it to other flexible racquets. my pc racquets measure at 67 RA on the babolat machine.

i recall hitting with the pc for the very first time and loved it due to the control and the spin i generated. i hadn't changed racquets since mid 90's using a 90 sq. in. dunlop impact and finally decided to change last year.

i hit with the pd few months thereafter and didn't like it at all. i was overhitting and missing the lines by few feet. ime, pd is too stiff for the headsize and too light for me.


Aeropro joe said:
the pure control is just as stiff as the pure drive so i dont think you will like it.
On a stiffness scale the PD and PC may be nearly the same stiffness but the feel is very different IMO. The PC has a plusher, more solid feel to it than the PD.


hmm...after all this comment maybe I wont buy the PC....hopefully Ive got a chance to demo from someone in the future coz in my country there is no store that would provide demo


yes, i do live in indonesia. and yes, it is sucks that no one offer demo program. eventhough metro sports have a demo racquets. i've owned a pd+ before and i've owned a pc (97"), it feels different. but still the pc is a stiff one. right now i used the rdx mid, nsix one tour and ps tour. where do you play?


hey you already have ps tour too...hahaha....I used to play in Kelapa Gading sport club...what about you?how much do you bought your rdx?did you buy it from metro?and what demo racket do they have?and may I have your number?maybe we could play together sometimes...I'd love to demo your rdx n ncode tour.....


my bet is that the nxg probably plays more like the diablo and the ps tour 90 than the pure control, again its your call.


i've bought it in singapore last year. metro just have it early this year. i will give you an email about my number. maybe if you have a group then we can held a friendly games sometimes.
yes i have a ps tour but bought it on metro for 1,1. if i'm not mistaken you got yours cheap at the warehouse. am i right?


thats'd you know that?hahaha...till niw Im still have some regret becaouse I just bought that time I still know nothing about racket...sigh....I'm really waiting for your email then....

yes I think so too...thats why in the end I've decided not to buy PC...thanx dude


d_techie said:
ok guys, let me just get it straight....I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP.right now I already have Prince NXG OS, Prince Tour Diablo MS and Wilson PS Tour 90. In my local store there's an offer of Babolat Pure Control MP (100") for just $80....and here's my situation.
1. right now Im really on a tight budget, so if I buy the Bab PC, I have to sell one of my racquet, and that would be the NXG OS.
2. Im a 4.0 player, mostly baseliner. I've owned Bab PD+ for around 2 weeks and ended sell it because I found that it is very stiff.
3. Amongs my racket, Diablo and Tour 90 is my main racket.(thats why I would sell the NXG OS)
so, what do you guys think, should I buy the Bab PC and sell my NXG?
and with my situation, is there a slight chance that I would fall in love with Bab PC and use it as my main stick?please help guys

how do you know you are a 4.0 player. isn't it a rating that only available in the US?


well...its just my 2cents...I thought that it might be useful for other people if they want to give suggestion about my racket...Anyway I could say that Im a 4.0 player because Ive read a guidance about what player can do at each level...I forgot the link but if you do a search in google Im sure you'll find it...try the keyword "ntrp rating".Ah Milo, I also have sent you an email...please reply ok...thanx

the only reason I am tempted to buy pure control is because theres a great offer in my local store for PC for just around $80....