Poll: Who'd you most like to win the USO, out of the remaining draw?

Who' you like the most to see lift the trophy?

  • Carreno Busta

  • Shapovalov

  • Coric

  • Zverev

  • Rublev

  • Medvedev

  • De Minaur

  • Thiem

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I’ll take either of Thiem or Med, really. Zverev feels deserving too since he’s had such success below the slam level (and has now had two good back-to-back slam runs).

Shapo and Rublev are both fun to watch and are still young and developing so I suppose a win here would bode well for their future success, but it also feels like it could be a one-off given how inconsistent they both can be (especially Dennis the Menace).

PCB would be fun for the lulz and he seems like a nice guy, so as ridiculous as it would be, I wouldn’t hate seeing him as champion. Boric and De Minaur need to stay the hell away from that trophy.


Who ever wins, tennis wins.

Finally no Djoko or Fedal in sight, very refreshing indeed. Also, no Mr Charisma as Posposil disposed of him already.

All good!
Thiem deserves it the most but I'll be rooting against him, unless he plays Shapovalov in the final.

Out of guys that are left I'd most like de Minaur > Coric > PCB
anyone of Shapovalov, Rublev and Medvedev will be amazing. Thiem is a very worthy champion as well, and Zverev will be a fitting ending as well.


Bionic Poster
Thiem. He has had several opportunities but against toughest possible competition so now it's time for him to bag one. He really has no excuse now. He is looking good, he has the experience, and it's time now. Anything else would be a travesty. I'm hoping for him.
Actually I don't think Thiem is looking that good. His ROS stance is ridiculous and twice he was unable to serve out matches so far at the USO. He could have finished off Felix 6-4, but inexplicably played a horrific game and drug out the set another 25 minutes. He's playing very defensively and predictably. A smart player like Med should be able to exploit that.
I want Thiem to win but don't mind any of the others winning. Of course, the world doesn't run according to what one individual wants so there's that.