Poly Multi Hybrid Stringing question for durability and arm problems


New User
Hello all, been a long time follower of these threads and reading as much as I can. Realized my arm can’t handle poly anymore, or maybe it never could haha. Anyways, I’m looking to switch to a poly multi hybrid. I play a 98 yonex vcore 305g weighted up with a leather grip and 2g lead at the top of the hoop. My other gamer is the prestige pro 98 18x20 320g with two leather grips, no other weighting.

I cannot string my racquets too often so I am looking for as much playability as possible, and I’ve read that you can get a lot of playability from isospeed professional classic in the mains with poly in the crosses unless it was vice versa. I usually string a full bed of poly at 53lbs. Here are the options I am considering.

For the polys:
Round HyperG 16g/17g poly

Luxilon big banger original 16g/17g

Signum pro yellow jacket 16g/17L

TBHS7T 16g/17g

For the multi:
Isospeed pro classic 17g

Isospeed control classic 16g

Isospeed control 16g

Isospeed pro 17g

Note: I am willing to experiment, and understand that isospeed usually has to be strung higher so I was wondering how much higher that would have to be strung at if I kept the poly string at 53lbs. If anyone has any advice for what should go in the mains vs the crosses, and which combination you believe would be best for playability/durability and arm friendliness. I also hate hate hate notching, I’ll hit for 30 minutes and my polys will notch. I am a very heavy spin player, but I do love my flat serve. So being able to slide across the strings easily without getting locked is a priority for me.

Thank you so much.
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