Poly-Poly Blend Report: Hyper G and Confidential


I'll start by saying that I was an original full bed Hyper player for about 6 months, but found that as Hyper aged towards the 10/12 hour mark, I lost some ability to really swing out. Balls would start flying on me, and I'd get some trampolining. I went to a full bed of Confidential and immediately fell in love with the string. Not as soft, not as much free power, a bit more break in period, but better tension maintenance and more swing away consistency during the life of the string. For me, Confidential goes longer before I have to cut. Very little change to the string once it is settled.

Being a bit bored in the tournament off season, I decided to play with blending these 2, and this was my finding:

Confidential 16L Mains and Hyper 17 Crosses

Strings didn't seem to lock up well after first 1-2hrs of hitting. Still some sliding back and forth. String bed as a whole took on more of the Hyper G feel. Didn't love this combo, cut after 4 hours of play. The two just didn't seem to mesh in this configuration, and maybe that has something to do with two shaped strings, I'm really not sure.

Hyper 17 Mains and Confidential 16L Crosses

Very quick to notch up and lock in place. Playable from the first ball. Took on the feel of Confidential with some extra spin, gives a bit more free power than a full bed of Confidential. Around the 10/12 hour mark I can tell the Hyper G is going a bit dead, but the Confidential must be propping that up, bc I still find it plenty playable and consistent. I like this combo.

Just my take so far, but I'm really enjoying the Hyper mains and Confidential crosses. Hope this helps someone who's been thinking of experimenting with 2 polys. These 2 work well together, with the Confidential propping up the Hyper for a longer, more consistent play time, and the Hyper letting you play with a bit more free power with Confidential's consistent feel.

(Mens 4.5 player)


Hall of Fame
I often mix either HyperG or COnfidential with an 18g version of Cyclone for a cross in an 18X20 Blade. Whether 120/115 or 125/115. It seems to work and lasts rather well. I do a pre-stretch on both strings before installing mostly to get the memory out of them, but it also seems to help with consistency. I don't use them often in more open patterns because I do not find them terribly consistent.
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New User
I have been playing HG 16 mains and Confidential 16 crosses and I agree with your assessment. I was not expecting Confidential to take over the stringbed as much as it did. It tames HG nicely.


@PFG1 @WB338

Thanks for sharing your experiences. I share similar opinions on Hyper G and Confidential in full bed and am considering blending Hyper G main & Confidential crosses based on your feedback. Would like to know whether this setup plays consistently over the longevity of the strings? I'm not a string breaker so I'm hoping to get at least 20hrs. With Hyper G, I could get 15-20 hrs without noticing any drop in performance. Trying Confidential at the moment, so I'm monitoring how long it'll last in a full bed at the moment.


If you prefer HyperG for the first 12 hours, cut it out then. How much money will you lose in a year if you do that? Probably you will hardly miss it.

Many players who spend extravagantly on other vices are somehow extra conscious of saving money on stringing to the extent that they end up getting injured playing with dead poly. They are the same guys who play with shoes too long even if their knees and Achilles hurt once the shoes are old.