Polytour Pro vs Hawk Touch


New User

I'd like to ask the forum if anyone can compare the Yonex Polytour Pro and the Head Hawk Touch for me. I have been using Hawk Touch for a while now in my Head Speed Pro (g360+) and just moved to a Yonex Percept 97. Since the Percept is already soft enough on impact I'm not appreciating the Hawk Touch as much as I did in my Speed Pro. I'd like to get something a bit stiffer with more spin potential but not so much since I struggle a lot with tennis elbow, sadly.

I have read that the PTP seems to be a valid option to fulfil my needs and I noticed the PTP is around the same price, actually a bit cheaper on Amazon than the Hawk Touch and the colours do match better my new green racquet, hope I can get some advice or perhaps other alternatives in the 150$-per-660'-reel range.


I see! If I could bother you some more, could you provide another option for me?
If you struggle with tennis elbow I would be careful. Is it just feedback of the impact that you are missing? To me TF black code fire (orange version of black code) provides good enough feedback and is comfortable. I know people who like Poly tour Rev alot in their percept 97. There are alot of stiffer options available like lynx tour, tour bite (soft), confidential but I would not play with those if you struggle with tennis elbow.


New User
I'll look into the Poly tour Rev. I've tried many multifilaments and even tho they are very nice on the arm, I can't gel with the power and more importantly, can't afford to restring that often. Thanks for the advice!


A lot depends on your play style, swing speed, etc. I though PTP had a more linear response and was more predictable overall than Hawk Touch, but felt underpowered at lower RHS and not as crisp as Hawk Touch at higher pace. Maybe look at TF Black Code 1.18mm or 1.23mm if you are looking for something more crisp, but still comfortable, or YPT Rev 1.20mm if you can find it within your price range.


@ajchop - If you're really looking for a more firm string bed in the P97 but want to preserve comfort, have you given thought to perhaps moving to a hybrid? Doing so will allow you to have that higher string bed stiffness, but with less arm/comfort risk. I'm thinking of a super-crisp setup with a lot of snap and feel, something like Tecnifibre HDMX 1.30 or Yonex Rexis Speed Black 1.30 mains / super-slick and crisp poly crosses, like Head Hawk 1.20 or 1.25 or MSV Bussard 1.20 or 1.25.

Also, to boost comfort and lower the shock load on your forearm tissue, you can also increase Recoil Weight, most easily and least disruptively by adding handle weight, plus a fractional amount of hoop weight as counter-balance. Doing so will increase the amount of bludgeoning force that the frame applies to the ball, causing less shock to be applied to you on contact.


New User
I found Hyper G soft to not be so soft. Especially for TE so not sure it is the obvious answer.
I find it to be one of the softest polys I have ever hit with. Maybe Lynx touch and poly tour air come close to it but they are round


Hall of Fame
@ajchop - If you're really looking for a more firm string bed in the P97 but want to preserve comfort, have you given thought to perhaps moving to a hybrid? Doing so will allow you to have that higher string bed stiffness, but with less arm/comfort risk. I'm thinking of a super-crisp setup with a lot of snap and feel, something like Tecnifibre HDMX 1.30 or Yonex Rexis Speed Black 1.30 mains / super-slick and crisp poly crosses, like Head Hawk 1.20 or 1.25 or MSV Bussard 1.20 or 1.25.

Also, to boost comfort and lower the shock load on your forearm tissue, you can also increase Recoil Weight, most easily and least disruptively by adding handle weight, plus a fractional amount of hoop weight as counter-balance. Doing so will increase the amount of bludgeoning force that the frame applies to the ball, causing less shock to be applied to you on contact.
for increased durability, hdmx also comes in 1.35


I find it to be one of the softest polys I have ever hit with. Maybe Lynx touch and poly tour air come close to it but they are round

Wow there are softer if you haven't played them.

Volkl Cyclone Tour plays softer
Diadem Solstice Black
Poly Tour Air
Topspin Cyber Flash


New User
@ajchop - If you're really looking for a more firm string bed in the P97 but want to preserve comfort, have you given thought to perhaps moving to a hybrid? Doing so will allow you to have that higher string bed stiffness, but with less arm/comfort risk. I'm thinking of a super-crisp setup with a lot of snap and feel, something like Tecnifibre HDMX 1.30 or Yonex Rexis Speed Black 1.30 mains / super-slick and crisp poly crosses, like Head Hawk 1.20 or 1.25 or MSV Bussard 1.20 or 1.25.

Also, to boost comfort and lower the shock load on your forearm tissue, you can also increase Recoil Weight, most easily and least disruptively by adding handle weight, plus a fractional amount of hoop weight as counter-balance. Doing so will increase the amount of bludgeoning force that the frame applies to the ball, causing less shock to be applied to you on contact.
Thanks for the advice! I tried poly-multi hybrids with my speed quite a few times, and even though I really enjoyed the comfort, I found multis to be way too powerful, and also not as durable. I was restringing every 2-3hs and I can't afford living like that. I moved to a full bed of hawk touch and really liked it, it was comfortable and snappy enough, but in a flexible frame such as the P97, it lacks crispness IMO. Maybe I'll hybrid polys! I'll see what I can find around here (currently living in Bolivia, not a lot on offer around here).

I have a couple of lead strips lying around so I'll try playing around with the recoil weight. Thanks!


Thanks for the advice! I tried poly-multi hybrids with my speed quite a few times, and even though I really enjoyed the comfort, I found multis to be way too powerful, and also not as durable. I was restringing every 2-3hs and I can't afford living like that. I moved to a full bed of hawk touch and really liked it, it was comfortable and snappy enough, but in a flexible frame such as the P97, it lacks crispness IMO. Maybe I'll hybrid polys! I'll see what I can find around here (currently living in Bolivia, not a lot on offer around here).

I have a couple of lead strips lying around so I'll try playing around with the recoil weight. Thanks!

Your Speed Pro isn't a spin monster. Try thinner gauges. I was going to suggest gut/poly which may be an option but will again need to use thinner gauges.


New User
Your Speed Pro isn't a spin monster. Try thinner gauges. I was going to suggest gut/poly which may be an option but will again need to use thinner gauges.
You're right about my speed, but I was able to get some spin out of it anyway. I think gut is out of the question (Mrs is vegan lol) but I will try some thinner gauges. I ordered some Hyper G soft and will take it from there.

@ajchop - If you're really looking for a more firm string bed in the P97 but want to preserve comfort, have you given thought to perhaps moving to a hybrid? Doing so will allow you to have that higher string bed stiffness, but with less arm/comfort risk. I'm thinking of a super-crisp setup with a lot of snap and feel, something like Tecnifibre HDMX 1.30 or Yonex Rexis Speed Black 1.30 mains / super-slick and crisp poly crosses, like Head Hawk 1.20 or 1.25 or MSV Bussard 1.20 or 1.25.

Also, to boost comfort and lower the shock load on your forearm tissue, you can also increase Recoil Weight, most easily and least disruptively by adding handle weight, plus a fractional amount of hoop weight as counter-balance. Doing so will increase the amount of bludgeoning force that the frame applies to the ball, causing less shock to be applied to you on contact.
I added 5g on 3 and 9 and the stability increased quite a bit (overgrip already adding 6g at the handle), feels better on my arm already. I will dig deeper into customisation but seems that your weight advise was spot on! Thanks.


New User
You're right about my speed, but I was able to get some spin out of it anyway. I think gut is out of the question (Mrs is vegan lol) but I will try some thinner gauges. I ordered some Hyper G soft and will take it from there.


I added 5g on 3 and 9 and the stability increased quite a bit (overgrip already adding 6g at the handle), feels better on my arm already. I will dig deeper into customisation but seems that your weight advise was spot on! Thanks.
More 10g on the handle and even miss shots will be easier on the arm.
Go for thinner gauges and lower tensions.


New User
Make this
Yonex ptp 125 at 20kg
Msv swift 125 at 21kg
This the best hybrid string.
Many pop and powerfull but esady to play


Hall of Fame
I found Hawk Power to be more similar to Poly Tour Pro than Hawk Touch. I prefer Hawk Power.
Hawk Touch is stiff.

If you don't have issues with Hawk Touch, just keep using that.

Also the Percept is 60 RA and your Speed is 62, so not significantly different. The main difference is beam thickness which does contribute to "soft-feeling."
However, the same string/tension in a smaller headsize will feel stiffer, so using Hawk touch in the Percept at the same tension is probably a net zero in terms of feel.


New User
I found Hawk Power to be more similar to Poly Tour Pro than Hawk Touch. I prefer Hawk Power.
Hawk Touch is stiff.

If you don't have issues with Hawk Touch, just keep using that.

Also the Percept is 60 RA and your Speed is 62, so not significantly different. The main difference is beam thickness which does contribute to "soft-feeling."
However, the same string/tension in a smaller headsize will feel stiffer, so using Hawk touch in the Percept at the same tension is probably a net zero in terms of feel.
Hey, before buying the P97 and looking a t the specs, I thought the same thing you just told me. I believe now that the RA number only tells part of the story. The percept is much more flexible at the neck with a stiffer face and the sweetspot is much softer IMO, while using the same strings! The string pattern may be a big factor tho, but the end result is that the strings feel quite different, and I don't get the same response from the strings now.

Obviously, this is why I got a new racket in the first place, but perhaps with a crisper string I could get closer to a best of both worlds situation, which I have done with the manoeuvrability already. I appreciate the comment tho, it adds to my journey.


Hall of Fame
Hey, before buying the P97 and looking a t the specs, I thought the same thing you just told me. I believe now that the RA number only tells part of the story. The percept is much more flexible at the neck with a stiffer face and the sweetspot is much softer IMO, while using the same strings! The string pattern may be a big factor tho, but the end result is that the strings feel quite different, and I don't get the same response from the strings now.

Obviously, this is why I got a new racket in the first place, but perhaps with a crisper string I could get closer to a best of both worlds situation, which I have done with the manoeuvrability already. I appreciate the comment tho, it adds to my journey.
Try Poly Tour Strike 1.20 or Hyper-G round.
PT Strike is a firmer control string with excellent tension maintenance and good feel. It is a little dampened so feels more comfortable. Spin is lacking but I'm ok with that.

Hyper-G round is pretty comparable to Poly Tour Pro, I like HGR more than PTP. The feel is a little less plastic


Try Poly Tour Strike 1.20 or Hyper-G round.
PT Strike is a firmer control string with excellent tension maintenance and good feel. It is a little dampened so feels more comfortable. Spin is lacking but I'm ok with that.

Hyper-G round is pretty comparable to Poly Tour Pro, I like HGR more than PTP. The feel is a little less plastifoes
Does hgr get soft n launchy or stiff with age?