I'm so confused as to what counts and what doesn't. I've sent in my shoes twice(once I understand why it didn't count) but the second time, it is clear that the sole has worn out and you can feel the cushion. I've called Nike a couple of times but I haven't gotten a straight answer. Does anybody know why this doesn't count?
I had this happen to me once. I had sent many shoes back to Nike under the guarantee program without any issues and I knew what it took to qualify. However, the last time I sent the shoes back under the guarantee program, I received an email stating that my shoes did not meet the requirements to be replaced and was being prepared to be shipped back to me (under my instructions).
I called customer service because it clearly qualified. I asked the customer service rep to have the shoes inspected again in the heel area in both shoes. The rep told me the shoes were already packed to be shipped back and couldn't be inspected again. I was pretty adamant that the shoes did meet the requirements. The service rep put me on hold to confer with a manager. The service rep told me to send them pictures of the shoes when I got it back and they would do a secondary "courtesy" inspection.
I received the shoes and took pictures and emailed them. I received a response saying that there were no material defects with the shoes and did not meet the warranty requirements. They provided me a link outlining the warranty.
I replied back that I didn't send the shoes in for warranty but for the 6 month guarantee program and provided their own link to the 6 month guarantee program. They responded saying that the shoes weren't worn out "enough". Of course, I replied back asking how "enough" was defined because my shoes were clearly worn through to the midsole.
I received under another email saying my shoes did not meet the requirements. I sent what I was expecting to my last email. I stated that it was very clear that they do not intend to honor their guarantee. However, I asked them to reconsider for a very long long time Nike customer under a tone that they would be losing a very long long time customer.
I received an email from the customer service rep I had been corresponding with via email. She asked me to send back my shoes directly to her in Portland and provided me with a return label.
I sent the shoes back and few days later, I received an email stating that under further inspection, the shoes did clearly meet the guarantee requirements. She apologized for the inconvenience and said the gift card would be sent in a few days, which I later received.
Your shoes clearly meets the 6 month guarantee requirement. It might take some effort, but I wouldn't give up if I were you. For me, it became a matter of principle more than getting the gift card.
Good luck!