I'm curious as to whether you folks out there who have any experience training very young children (5-year-old age range) think that the PracticeHit training aid would be a good "starter" device for helping to teach a kid how to hit a tennis ball.
It LOOKS like it would be a nice tool (among others) to help get a kid to be able to confidently swing at a ball before you brought them to a level of having to hit a ball that's not actually..."confined" to a small area (if you understand what I mean).
Think this could be a good stepping stone before moving forward?
It LOOKS like it would be a nice tool (among others) to help get a kid to be able to confidently swing at a ball before you brought them to a level of having to hit a ball that's not actually..."confined" to a small area (if you understand what I mean).
Think this could be a good stepping stone before moving forward?