Predictions-Year End Top 10


How does everyone think the final standings will look?

My prediction:
1. Virginia
2. Ohio State
4. TCU
5. Georgia
6. USC
7. Oklahoma (assuming Harris is healthy)
8. North Carolina
9. Oklahoma State
10. Texas A&M


Why do you have Texas A&M so low?
Not sold on them just yet. If Rinderneche can consistently give strong efforts and Adams gets out of his slump/or injury (results just aren't there then I would bump them up a few spots. Also think Withrow is not necessarily a strong 6..despite the results today. Could be wrong..


Hall of Fame
hmmm....they have put away some teams but didn't look great against a good but not great Columbia team. I am interested to see how they do the rest of the tournament and how they fair against OSU next weekend,


Hall of Fame
I would put Wake Forest in the top 10, but not sure where. After the NTI finishes we will know a lot more about these teams. I think Wake is better than USC.


Oklahoma is not a top 10 team right now. If Harris gets healthy, they are top 10. Alvarez got slapped around today. They were so good last year because Alvarez and Harris were nearly automatic at 1&2 but with one not really playing and the other has some issue right now, they are a marginal top 15 team.


Besides UVa, wake and UNC were the other best looking teams this weekend. Wake was most impressive/surprising to me as they were really the only ones who challenged UVa and pretty much took care of everyone else.


Hall of Fame
Wow! UNC did great this weekend! Couldn't believe that comeback! I was also impressed with UCLA, TCU, Wake, and Oklahoma. TA&M definitely further down, and it pains me to say it but Georgia was a big disappointment, maybe not even top 10. Ohio State I would still have up there but at 5. Still think Virginia is the team to beat, then UNC.


Hall of Fame
The Top10 are very strong this year, and maybe even Wake Forest can sneak in, and do not know about Baylor right now or a Team like Cal ?
Top 10 today:

1. North Carolina
2. Virginia
3. TCU
5. Wake Forest
6. Ohio State
7. Texas A&M
8. Oklahoma
9. USC
10. Texas Tech

I would say this looks pretty accurate for the rest of the year. I do think Oklahoma State could get in there as well as Cal. Texas Tech is good but #10 is probably a stretch for them moving forward. USC could drop out. They aren't too impressive. Wake Forest will probably slip back a bit as the year goes on unless they can beat UNC or Virginia in the season.


Georgia doesn't look like a top 10 team right now, but some guys are out. Don't sleep on them though, because they might end up in the top 10 by season's end. I would say it's hard to predict right now overall. Give me a few outdoor matches.