Preventing Leather from Fading


New User
I've heard that if you put an overgrip over a leather grip, the color will start to fade and become dull.

Is that true?
If it is, are there any overgrips that dont do fade the leather.


Yes, it's true. I don't believe there are any overgrips out there that don't fade away the color of leather.


I suppose it can. The leather weighs a bit more and absorbs less shock. On the plus side, you can feel the bevels better than using a synthetic grip w/ an overgrip.


if you use and overgrip the leathergrip will be better off than without. without it turns dark
Yes, I not too long ago got a Tour 90 that came with Wilson Pro overgrips. I was suprised to find out that the leather color was rubbing off on the back side of the overgrip and was now a lot fainter. I thought it might have been because of the white color of the grip, but does this happen with all kinds & colors of grips?


praetorian909 said:
I thought it might have been because of the white color of the grip, but does this happen with all kinds & colors of grips?

It sure does. There's no avoiding it unless you play with straight up leather and no overgrip. Unless you have really sweaty hands, playing with leather feels much better w/o an overgrip (once your hand get use to it).