***** Prince EXO3 Rebel Club *****


Found one more

I just got a new 4 1/2 Exo3 Rebel in the mail...

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ive got a stash of the 2012 rebels. 2 4 1/2 ive tried and a bunch of 4 3/8ths nos but until i find the right tension i'm not undressing them. anyone have experience playing with these sticks below 45 lbs with poly. thats my next string attempt.


There are some sites that still sell the prestrung Exo3 Rebel 105s for less than $100. I am sorely tempted to try one despite swearing I'd never buy a Prince with holes. I've read that this is a very low-powered 105 along the lones of the MG Radicals and POG.


If you are playing with the 2012 then you have the ports. Really any string (17 or 18 g) works with ports. I play with PPA 17 and have no problem. I also use Polystar energy when I want a soft poly that beefs up the racquet. It does everything you need it to in my view.


The best string for the rebel is synthetic gut strung ay 50 pounds. Poly is too low powered and the racquet is low powered.


How does the Tour 95 (yellow/black) compare to all other variations of the Rebel?

The tour 95 is a great frame. I think the Rebel variations feel a little more heavy. The mold seems to be overall lighter with the tour 95 frames.

I like the original Rebel 95 frames because of their weight balance distribution. It allows me to customize with less lead added on top of a leather grip.

My next best choice would be the yellow/black Rebel 95 from 2012. Great solid frames. Great feel, just 5 grams lighter.

The tour 95 is easily customized, I play with them still. I have two in great condition with Fairway's on them.


Sign me up

The first (green) exo3 rebel is my favorite frame. I've had a bunch in the past, off and on, and now have six and counting. For me, the 2012 is too soft. I haven't tried the Tour 95 and would welcome the chance. Textreme 95 is very good but not as buttery and "right" feeling to me. Just a tad boardy and maybe even hollow feeling. Kind of like a Pure Control Tour. A solid B+ stick in my book and I can see why some are loving it...

Had a fling with 16x18 Tour 100s recently after giving up on my Microgel Prestige MPs. Great frame for teaching. By comparison, my MGs felt dead with no plow regardless of set up. Never felt totally connected to the Tour 100 and don't much care for the flex in the shaft, despite the easy pop and spin. The Rebel? Perfect... for me. Sign me up. Time to sell my three last Heads, stock up even more (!) and end the hunt

Harry Z


Welcome Harry Z,

Post pics. I am with you. I love the original Exo3 Rebel 95 2011. Textreme is great technology, but that feel you get on the monfils edition...


I just found two more NEW Prince Exo3 Rebel 95....the Monfils variation in 4 1/2 grip size. They are on their way to me...I am very excited. This brings my collection to 12 new Exo3 Rebels...Very excited by this.

I have two Prince Tour 95 that can use a new home...



I just found two more NEW Prince Exo3 Rebel 95....the Monfils variation in 4 1/2 grip size. They are on their way to me...I am very excited. This brings my collection to 12 new Exo3 Rebels...Very excited by this.

I have two Prince Tour 95 that can use a new home...

I have four and two due to arrive on Thursday. A perfect birthday present:) Like you, I plan to stock up with a dozen or more. No other frame for me, especially given the direction that racquets are taking these days.

Pics soon.


Fed Kennedy

Are all grommets interchangeable for all editions of the rebel? Can i put string hole inserts into the current tour 95?


I have four and two due to arrive on Thursday. A perfect birthday present:) Like you, I plan to stock up with a dozen or more. No other frame for me, especially given the direction that racquets are taking these days.

Pics soon.


I couldn't agree with you more Harry. The market for tennis racquets have become so neoliberalized, where marketing and erroneous belief trumps the playability and actual performance of frames.

I don't think there will be another classic like the Exo3 Rebel 95 (2009-2011). You have to think this frame carried Prince sales for three years. Its like someone saying you need to change the Redondo...doesn't make sense to me and it had a major endorsement from Monfils who actually played with the frame and had fantastic results.


Mine are all 3/8. Five of the six have hole grommets. One needs a new grip. I adore them, but am finding them too heavy for more than 90 minutes of playing. I am having shoulder pain, which I've never had. I teach some and my technique is good with long smooth strokes on both sides and serve etc.. No hitches. Just a bit out of shape.

So I ordered two IG Radical MPs as platform frames to try. Nice soft frame that can be customized easily to 11.5oz rather than 12.2 with highish SW...



Hey Harry,

What happened to the pics. As you play more with it you will be able to handle the weight. Mine are leaded up a little more and I have played four hour matches with no problem.
I have never hit with the rebel 95, but own 3 of the newer Tour 95. I demoed these along with the Textreme tour. I found the Tour 95s far superior in feel, control, plow through etc. to the Textreme tours.


I have never hit with the rebel 95, but own 3 of the newer Tour 95. I demoed these along with the Textreme tour. I found the Tour 95s far superior in feel, control, plow through etc. to the Textreme tours.
Yeah, I do as well...I think the "Exo3 Tours" just feel better...but many people like the stiffer feel of the Textreme models.


Hall of Fame
I have just joined this club in the search for more spin, manoeuvrability etc. It's been a mixed bag. I regret wandering from my happy time with the LM Instinct but now I can't even play well with it anymore!

The EXO3 rebel 98 is what I'm play testing, it's strung with Mantis Comfort Synthetic 16 at 55lbs (month old) but feels rather uninspiring. I've been having shoulder pain and generally not been enjoying it. Not plush feeling, feels boardy and seems unwieldy inspite of the specs on paper.

I don't wanna dump it straight away and keen to hear any recommendations especially strings. I've read a similar experience of the Mantis being poor in this frame.

My usual string is Wilson Sensation 16/17.

Thanks all.


Hall of Fame
I don't think so...there are still loyal fans of it.

Hey Arthuro! I had given up how of a response!
Going to restring the Rebel 98 tomorrow with my usual Sensation 16/17 and have another shot. Going for 55lbs.

I admit to a sinking feeling that this stick is not for me. Not as whippy as I'm looking for I think (the specs are probably too close to my LM instinct) and the feel - let's see how it plays after the restring. I wonder if the Mantis string is to blame.
Maybe I need biceps...


Hall of Fame
What are you looking for in a stick? Have you tried the 100T as the Rebels are more players sticks.
Y'know, figuring it out. I agree that it might be out of my league. One last bash before I move on. I have the exo3 tour team that I am going to try for the third time! Maybe it's the holes!


My girlfriend has the Hornet 110 and it's actually a really nice frame. I can pick it up and play great without ever really using it. My back hand is really good with it, and it really generates a lot of power which makes it hard to play against her.