Prince EXO3 Tour 100 Grommet Inserts


New User
Hey guys Ive been using the prince exo3 tour 100 18x20 with the open port hole inserts and liking it alot but out of curiousity, is there much of a difference with the string hole inserts?
Overall which felt better to you guys, did you use a hybrid? Any info on the topic would be greatly appreciated :)


I use two exo93 graphites. One has grommets, the other has ports.


The ports:
-the hit is softer/mellower
-the sweet spot is lower/larger/broader

The grommets:
-buzz slightly (providing more feedback)
-the sweet spot is higher/narrower

If you hit the ball high in the hoop, recommend using the grommets. If not, the grommets and the ports play similar enough that the difference hasn't impaired my strokes/game when switching rackets mid-match.
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New User
I use two exo93 graphites. One has grommets, the other has ports.


The ports:
-the hit is softer/mellower
-the sweet spot is lower/larger/broader

The grommets:
-buzz slightly (providing more feedback)
-the sweet spot is higher/narrower

If you hit the ball high in the hoop, recommend using the grommets. If not, the grommets and the ports play similar enough that the difference hasn't impaired my strokes/game when switching rackets mid-match.

Thanks for that. I was told it was more muted (felt like it has a shock absorber in it) when you put the grommets in it. And that it pulled up tighter and held more tension. Do you find any of these things to be true?



Thanks for that. I was told it was more muted (felt like it has a shock absorber in it) when you put the grommets in it. And that it pulled up tighter and held more tension. Do you find any of these things to be true?


hard to believe it could feel any more muted than it already does without the grommets! I've been demoing one of these all weekend and love the way I hit with it but it is so muted that I kind of miss the crisp feedback a little.


New User
hard to believe it could feel any more muted than it already does without the grommets! I've been demoing one of these all weekend and love the way I hit with it but it is so muted that I kind of miss the crisp feedback a little.

Fair enough, I guess its just a bit of trial and error here. I like the feeling of the port holes aswell, just wanted to see if anyone had noticed any decent differences in the 2. By the sounds of it there isnt much of a difference between the 2..


Fair enough, I guess its just a bit of trial and error here. I like the feeling of the port holes aswell, just wanted to see if anyone had noticed any decent differences in the 2. By the sounds of it there isnt much of a difference between the 2..

Well I'm sold on this frame and have ordered one so I'm kind of curious too. Not enough to try out the grommets myself though :)


I have Prince SP Black, which have interchangable grommets and I feel big diference between default port inserts and string hole inserts. String Hole inserts give much better feel and control. Port inserts give muted feedback. I have also Prince o3 ozone tour which don't have string hole inserts option and again feedback is too muted for my liking.


New User
So I know what the string grommets are and how it looks like, but what are the benefits? I know the feel differs (Spencer said before). Does it mean there is no more "free string movement" what the Exo3 tech is so known for? Is it just a conventional grommet system or is there still free string movement but with a different feel? Is the sweetspot smaller when you use string grommets cause there is no "free string movement" anymore?

Why would you buy a racquet with O ports if you gonna install string grommets anyways (in the sense of feel)? Im interested and curious. Do you still get the benefits of exo3 technology if you use string grommets (like big sweetspot/free string movement/great forgiveness at net)? I ask this cause I see that the Bryan brothers and Monfils all use string grommets. Thank you in advance. From all time Prince user