Prince neos 1000 vs 1500


I need some help on this one.
I was planning to get a prince neos 1000 very soon but i've been offered a 1500 as it can be delivered in the next few days. i need your oppinions and reasons why one is better than the other.
replies would be great


Talk Tennis Guru
I like glide bars but I love the convenience of swivel clamps. For the clamps alone I would go with the 1500. If you're going to be using the stringer to string any Prince rackets with a 50/50 pattern the NEOS would work better. If you string many ATW or fan patterns the 1500 would be better.

But all this is personal preference either would be fine no matter what type frame you string. One is just better than the other for some frames. Both are 2 point lockout stringer so the only big difference is the clamps.


I would go with the 1500, but not for the clamps. I would go with the 1500 for the mounting system which is really, really nice. It's easy to use and secure as hell.

Regarding the rest of the machine, the brake is also better if you ever have need to use it. There is less to get hung on using the 1500 and it's well designed.

Regarding the clamps, I am a long time 1000 user, so the swivel clamps were more of a PITA to me, but to each his own. I don't think the swivel clamps help you with an ATW, I like/prefer the glide bar. All that said, the swivel clamps on the 1500 were fine clamps that held string.

Spend the extra $200.


Hall of Fame
It would be helpful to know how much stringing you plan to do but I think at the end of the day Irwin is correct--it really comes down to which clamping system you prefer--other than that, these two machines are substantially identical--I think the mounting system on the 1500 is a bit different but not necessarily better. I have strung on all sorts of machines and Irwin really does identify the differences in clamping systems. My personal preference is glide bars for really two reasons:

1-simplicity in design/easy to maintain: there are minimal things that can go wrong with the Neos 1000 glide bar system--keep the bars and the clamps clean and you should be good for a long time. There's virtually nothing that can happen to the bars themselves and if you need ever need a new clamp, they are reasonably priced and obviously no hassle to install. I have always been concerned that the more complex swivel clamp just means there's more to go wrong and more to fix when it does.

2-speed--glide bars are super fast--even changing them out for the crosses results in almost no time lost.

That stated, swivel clamps can be fast too when you get used to them and they do provide more options on fan and other non-traditional string patterns. If you plan to do lots of varied-pattern racquets (and I almost never see a fan pattern except on the racquetball or squash courts), particularly for profit, I might lean to the 1500. Personally, I no longer string for anyone other than myself (and family, and occasionally some hitting partners)--and I actually use a mint condition (always owned by me) Ektelon H (the father of Neos). Based on my needs, if I were to buy another machine it would be the Neos 1000--but if I thought I would be stringing a great many and varied-pattern frames, I'd go with the 1500.

I will concede the 1500 looks cooler. The good news is in either case you will be getting a good machine and the good folks at Tennis Machines can assist you with any problem you may encounter. Good luck.

P.S.: also pick up a good starting clamp.


Hall of Fame
In the event that it matters, I believe the 1500 maintains 360* rotation, whereas the 1000 does not. This may or may not be important for your needs/purposes. You make the call.


Talk Tennis Guru
In the event that it matters, I believe the 1500 maintains 360* rotation, whereas the 1000 does not. This may or may not be important for your needs/purposes. You make the call.

That is true, I also just noticed the 1000 comes with universal flying clamps now to string fan pattern rackets. Those flying clamps can also be used as starting clamps in a pinch. If you decide later on to send the stringer back for restocking you may be charged a restocking fee and shiipping both ways so make you decision right the first time.
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The 1000 is fine and is an excellent machine. I like the glide bar clamps, but like Irvin said, if you have any fan patterns on racquetball or squash, you need swivel clamps. THe 360 degree rotation isn't a big deal for me on these machines. I have not used the 1500, so I am not sure about the mounting. I think it is still a 2 piece mounting system at the throat and head. Even though it may be slightly easier to use, the one on the 1000 is cake. I would get the 1000 if you don't string much fan patterns.


Hall of Fame
I learned on the 1000's ancestors and have fond memories of those bullet proof machines.. Taking others' comments regarding the 1500's quality at face value, it would be no contest for me. I would take the 1500. I do not want to take a trip to the past.
I learned on the 1000's ancestors and have fond memories of those bullet proof machines.. Taking others' comments regarding the 1500's quality at face value, it would be no contest for me. I would take the 1500. I do not want to take a trip to the past.

Yes, I still use my Ektelon Model H I bought in 1992. It still works fine...never had any issues with it. I actually prefer it to the Prince Neos. (The Prince has a couple things to make stringing easier but no biggie). The Ektelon was built in the USA, and is a lot sturdier than the Neos.


Yes, I still use my Ektelon Model H I bought in 1992. It still works fine...never had any issues with it. I actually prefer it to the Prince Neos. (The Prince has a couple things to make stringing easier but no biggie). The Ektelon was built in the USA, and is a lot sturdier than the Neos.

Sturdier than a Neos? Is it built of titanium alloy? Seriously in what way? The Neos is built like a tank. I'm not doubting you, but I am curious.