Prince Ozone O3 pro tour vs mg Prestige



I've seen a couple of you who play with an O3 pro tour and have playtested the mg prestige, also in the TW says that are similar racquets..

I was looking forward to play test the Prince but a week ago a friend borrowed me a prestige Mid and really liked.. but I'm a little concern about the small head size and how demanding could it be?

As the Prince has a biggert headsize, I wanted to know pros and cons of each..



All are are great stix but I think the Prestiege(s) are not nearly as forgiving as the Pro Tour. It really depends on you, what do you want or need, how do you play and whats your level etc.
As far as a comparison goes, heres how I rank them (play with the Pro Tour and demoed all but the prestiege pro)

POWER: 1)Prince OZPT 2)Head Pres. mp 3)Head Pres. mid

CONTROL: 1)Head Pres. mid 2)Prince OZPT 3)Head Pres. mp

SPIN POTTENTIAL (Topspin & Slice): 1)Prince OZPT (by alot) 2)Head Pres. mp 3)Head Pres. mid

TOUCH/FEEL: 1)Head Pres. mid 2)Head Pres. mp 3)Prince OZPT

COMFORT: 1)Prince OZPT 2)Head Pres. mid 3)Head Pres. mp

GROUNDSTROKES (Fh & Bh): 1)Prince OZPT 2)Head Pres. mid 3)Head Pres. mp

VOLLIES: 1)Head Pres. mid (easily) 2)Prince OZPT 3)Head Pres. mp

SERVING (Flat): 1)Head Pres. mid 2)Prince OZPT 3)Head Pres. mp (very close)
SERVING (Spin): 1)Prince OZPT 2)Head Pres. mp 3)Head Pres. mid

FORGIVENESS: 1)Prince OZPT 2)Head Pres. mp 3)Head Pres. mid

Feel free to ask questions, Id be happy to try and answer them for you:)


Thanks P8ntalla, I also read your response in the other tread.

Basically I'm a 4.5 player, baseliner, 1HBH. I ussually play on clay and ussually my strategy is more shotting all the time than defending.

I'm currently playing with an RQis 1 tour that fits my game very well.. but after 2-3 hs of playing I can feel my arm tired and my shoots start landing short when and I can't keep on playing attacking.

I was thinking on getting a 98- 100 inch racquet with 18x20 (kblade, nblade, Radical, prince Oz pro tour, RDS001 mp), lead it up a little (330 strung) to see if my game can improve in order to keep my oponent in the baseline without too much effort and with the control to hit hard while keeping the ball in the court when I want.

Last week a friend borrowed me a mg prestige mid and I found I could keep the opponent in the back without hitting so hard while when hitting hard the control and accuracy was great.. my concern is my arm and long matches. Also I can get a good deal with a kblade tour from a friend that bought 5 and whant to get rid of one of them..

Being wise I'm thinking on going to a O3 pro tour or a Kblade. To get a nice blend of power + control.. but the mid and the Kblade tour are very tempting. what do you think?



Ok first off, where are you feeling fatigue? If its in the shoulder then the weight (ie heavy stix) might be the problem, if its the forearm its more likely your using too much arm and not enough body in your stroke.

It is easier to keep the ball deep with a tighter string pattern because it is much easier to hit flatter but still have control. Take the RDS001mp, radical mp and nblade off your list. I used the RDS b4 I switched to my Prince, the Prince is much better; I tried the radical and found no power (it is just way to light.) As for the nblade It just isnt as solid as the kblade.

I personally went with the oz pro tour when I was demoing, tried the KB, KBT, MG rad (pro and mp,) MG prestiege (mp and mid,) RQiS1Tour, the Wilson pro tour, and the Babolat PST... As you can see I demoed alot. The reasons I went with the Prince is I hit deeper, harder, had more control/placement, and I could sustain my hitting for a good 4 hours (a normal hittin session w/my gf.)

I had an easier time hitting longer and better w/the Prince, so I went with the Prince...:)


I can't say I'm felling fatigue in a particular place is just the balls start getting shorter and loosing weight, that means help the opponent go for a winner.

Thanks for your advise, I will try to demo the O3 but it's difficult to find demos in Buenos Aires.


I can't say I'm felling fatigue in a particular place is just the balls start getting shorter and loosing weight, that means help the opponent go for a winner.

Thanks for your advise, I will try to demo the O3 but it's difficult to find demos in Buenos Aires.

The tighter string pattern of the Pro Tour should help generate depth more easily without using as much effort as you would have to use with the RQiS1, It is a great playing stik. I hope you find what you need in it, good luck:)