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I've had Prince Tour 100 16x18 and Dr100/SV100 recently. I like them both for different reasons. Prince is very comfy and I like the feel. I am very consistent with it but have found it hard to end points. I end up in grinding type points. The SV100 in particular is a very good tweener (tried new PD, PA, Ultra 100 etc) and have more point ending potential but less consistency. It is actually pretty hard to decide which I prefer but that's not to say you would. Complicated by the fact I also have a Prestige MP in my bag which I prefer to all at times but also would happily put it in an open fire on off days! Challenge is where to find a compromise that stops me having "grass is greener" temptations. I do like buying rackets to be fair.
I was a Prince Tour 16x18 user myself. Really loved the comfort, spin potential, and consistency, but like you thought it lacked in being able to finish points (plus it's not a good serving stick). I tend to like flexier thin-beamed frames in the spec range of the Tour 100 so it was hard to get away from that. But my compromise and current racket of choice is the Yonex Duel G 310. Thin beamed and swings fast which is a must for the way I hit my forehand. And the Yonex can hit a flatter driving ball, while still being capable of hitting heavier looping topspin when in grind mode. It doesn't have the same free power of say a Pure Drive, but the power is there when you tap into it, and it really has impressive control. Have you checked one out? Seems to get a mixed bag of reviews on this board, though the TW review was glowing, and there seems to be a few of us who really love this stick.
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