Prince Problend


New User
@kchau, yes I do sometimes. It was reccomended to me by my coach and a friend because of the great durability, topsin, and control.

mad dog1

It was reccomended to me by my coach and a friend because of the great durability, topsin, and control.

if you're not breaking syn gut often, i'm not sure why your coach & friend would recommend pro blend. you can get good durability and superior topspin & control from poly. if you're breaking poly in a few days, then you'd go to kevlar strings. i'm not a big fan of pro blend.


Great durability but after about 15 hours of play everything I hit would start going long. So tension loss will make you want to restring before breakage.


New User
if you're not breaking syn gut often, i'm not sure why your coach & friend would recommend pro blend. you can get good durability and superior topspin & control from poly. if you're breaking poly in a few days, then you'd go to kevlar strings. i'm not a big fan of pro blend.

So what poly would you recommend? I've played with rpm before and its okay but I don't feel that I get enough control.


just, stay away from any kevlar/aramid/etc. unless you snap poly in 2 hours. you will never in your life need kevlar.