@tophersuwita - Reponses below:
On the Ezone 100 – Have you tried adding enough handle weight (spiral-wrapped lead tape under the base grip, replacement leather grip, etc.)? Doing so will lower the balance point, allowing for easier pivoting of the racquet face, provided you can handle the increased recoil weight. But that's the catch: the racquet likely won't any less cumbersome overall, so adding handle weight may or may not work for what you're looking to accomplish.
1. PD 2025 – It's going to play a lot like the current one, for better or worse. Versus the 100P, it will be way more explosive/powerful, but won't be as precise or controlled in general. Sounds like you want more of the latter at this point.
2. P100D – Not super surprising regarding serves. The medium-thick "D" beam profile and 23mm width plus a 100" isometric hoop won't make it the fastest or most concentrated thing on serve (even despite having 18 mains). If that's a deal breaker for you, I think you'll find the 100P, with it's more 98-ish feeling hoop and tapered beam thickness in the tip and throat, to feel faster through the air.
3. Extended Length – I would either commit to it, at any given length, and stay there. Or just commit to standard length. But switching back and forth between the two will mess with your mechanics too much. More length has its pluses and minuses, but for the kinds of issues you're highlighting, more length doesn't sound like it will be a solution all on its own. So I would probably stick with standard length and work on technique.
4. EZ98 – I take it you liked the 100P better, but where did the EZ98 come up short for you specifically? Knowing a bit more there will help with recommendations.
Overall, it sounds like a return to the 100P would probably serve you well (no pun intended). My main tip would be to make sure you string it
low enough, for it being an 18x20 with more classic drilling, you can easily over-constrict the sweet spot and make it too boardy by stringing too high with too firm a string(s). You'll also kill a lot of easy depth and launch angle by stringing too tight. For medium-firm full poly, I like low 40's, tops. For a hybrid, upper 40's to no more than 50-ish is usually good.
Hope that helps.