Prince Warrior Pro 100T ESP


Hall of Fame
I'm searching for feedback regarding the Prince Warrior Pro 100T ESP.
Any players here have test it?
At the moment I'm testing the Warrior Textreme 100T and I like it a lot!
Do you think the Warrior Pro 100T ESP could give me the same feeling? With more spin and power?
Thank you for your returns!! :)


New User
I have a bunch and I think it´s a perfect platform racquet for customization.
Very easy to play with, loads of really easy power and spin, easy to maneauver, big sweetspot.
But, with a 14x16 pattern you must always hit with spin.
I customize mine to 11,8 ounces, 10 pts head light plus 1-2 grams at 12 to just slightly increase SW.
downside: strings do break quite often and flat shots are hard to control.


New User more thing.
The main reason I like this racquet is probably because it allows me to hit a great one handed backhands (topspin and slice) plus great kick serves.
For two handers I´m not so sure this is such a great hit.