Pro Staff 6.1 Classic - White or black butt cap?

Is there a huge difference between the Pro Staff 6.1 Classic with a white butt cap and those with a black butt cap? I've got a few of both, and some say there is a difference in weight, but I don't really see that. I think the ones with the white butt cap hit more solidly, but maybe it's because the new ones with black haven't been hit with for a long period of time...

I don't know, what are your guys' thoughts?


Hall of Fame
it's been a long time since i've used the psc6.1 on a consistent basis, but i felt that the white buttcapped models were a little lighter than the black buttcapped models.
I did some testing on this a couple of years ago. The jist of my results it was that on average, Classics with white buttcaps were slightly more head light, slightly lower in swing weight, and overall had more consistent specs. The Classics with black buttcaps didn't consistently weigh more, but on average were slightly less head light and had slightly higher swing weights. Now, take my findings with a grain of salt, because they weren't always the case. I think that because the ones with black buttcaps were produced later and intermittently, the consitency in specs was not as tight as it was with the earlier models with white buttcaps. So sometimes I would test a black buttcap clad frame and get lower weight and swingweight numbers than the average for the white buttcap frames. The bottom line for me was that the older, white buttcapped frames were usually more consistent in their weights, balances, and swingweights.
