Pro Staff 85 Chicago?


I have an old Wilson Pro Staff I bought 30 years ago. It has midsize written on both sides, no head guard, raised throat grommets , no "R" trademark next to the red "W" on the butt cap, and a tension sticker of 65-70lbs. These characteristics suggest this is a Chicago version or possibly a very early St Vincents. The butt cap code is a single letter "Y". I can't find any reference to this butt cap code.

Does anyone know what the "Y" butt cap code indicates?



Upon closer inspection, looks like there is a very faint rounded letter to the right of the Y which would be the middle letter of a 3 letter code. Bet only the Y took when imprinted with the 3 letter code. I'm guessing the rounded letter is a Q. So St Vincent's?


Hall of Fame
Could it be a "G"? (Chicago)

Not an expert, but I think the raised Throat Grommets would indicate Chicago.