ProKennex Redondo MP vs. Head Pro Tour 280


Hi everyone, I haven't tried the ProKennex Redondo Type C MP but the racquet's specs seem to be very similar to the Head Pro Tour 280. Has anyone happen to know the difference and/or similarity between these 2 racquets? Which one you think is better? Thanks.


Hall of Fame
They don't feel similar at all. The PT 280 felt less headlight, more stable, and more muted. It's not a muted racket but it doesn't have that ping that the redondo has. I also don't think it's as flexible in the upper part of the head. Spin is probably better in the Type C. I would say the C is more of an all court/S and V racquet as opposed to the 280. I think the PT 280 is a better racquet. I had bought the Type C thinking it would replace the 280 I stupidly sold 5 years ago but it's not the same.
TheRed said:
I had bought the Type C thinking it would replace the 280 I stupidly sold 5 years ago but it's not the same.

Dont feel so bad, I sold off my NEW collection of chinese PT280's thinking back then that I can get them easily since I already have a whole bunch of Pro Tours 630's anyway. The two sources I knew that had NEW PT280's has been depleted since, all gone, bye bye. Had I known frames were going to get stiffer with more hollow feel, I would have stocked up on all those "inferior" I though back then chinese PT280's. Now I am looking at kneissl's new Toms machine/red star and waiting to see when TW would carry them.

Kevin T

Hall of Fame

You can get the Red Star through an American distributor. Just go to the Kneissl site and click "Where to buy" in North America. One frame is $250, which is ridiculous but the price drops to a measly $200 if buying more than one, which is pretty much the price+shipping if ordered from Austria. I haven't made the plunge yet but I'm close :)

As for the 280, IMHO it is a better racquet than the Redondo. I really, really wanted to like the Redondo because I have been playing with PK frames the last year and a half and was really looking forward to it. The hollow/ping factor really kills it for me and it's just a little too flexy. I'm one of the few that actually prefers the original Type C. You can put kevlar or poly in the 280/630 at max tension, without a string dampener and all your hear and feel is that nice thwack sound. Just like Michael, I wish I would have stocked up on this fine frame.


i dont know what this ping sound some people have talked about with the redondo. i use a dampener and dont have any ping sound at all...


Hall of Fame
Kevin T said:
I'm one of the few that actually prefers the original Type C. You can put kevlar or poly in the 280/630 at max tension, without a string dampener and all your hear and feel is that nice thwack sound. Just like Michael, I wish I would have stocked up on this fine frame.

You can find the original Type C on the bay every so often. Doing a search, there's some on there right now.

I prefer the PT280/630 over either Type C because it feels more solid than either Type C. I have a couple of Redondo MPs that I tweaked with 6g at 3/9 and although it's a bit better, it's definitely no PT280/630.



I wish I could help. I haven't played the PT280/630 so I can't compare them for you.

I there anything I can be more specific about the Redondo for you? Like how to customize or something?

Please let me know.

Kevin T

Hall of Fame

Thanks for the head's up. I'll keep my eye out.

Anirut, Jay, Michael,

For me, there was no amount of customizing I could do to make me like the Redondo. I really believe it is the 100% graphite composition. I have always like the feel of kevlar in frames and the twaron in the Head 280/630 makes all the difference. I guess that's why I used the Wilson Pro Staff 6.0 95 for so long after Rossignol left the market.

The racquet that has come closest to the 280/630 for me is the original Kneissl Tom's Machine (standard length, black/gold/silver version). I'm really hoping the newer Kneissls maintain that feel.
aniut, can you explain the "ping" or hollow feel that some posters are experiencing? maybe it is the composition like KT said %100 graphite VS high modulus graphite.

KT you said the redondo MP is too flexy. How much? is it flexy like a MW200g or Mfil200? 58? I am getting two toms standard black/gold/silver version( one new 5/8 and the other used 3/8) and one new tom reach 1/2 the older version. If I dont like the standard toms i will sell them to you. I got them at a great price and will pass on the deal to you if you like. I believe they have twaron in them and they are truely made in austria but first we have to wait and see what TW has in store for us with regards to the new Kneissl red star and the new tom reach.

Kevin T

Hall of Fame
Ah, Michael, you're the guy that won the big auction, eh? I saw those frames and considered bidding. For me, the Redondo reminded me a lot of the Volkl C10, kind of a "catch the ball" and throw it, a la a lacrosse stick. That's honestly how the Redondo and C10 feel to me. I guess I like a little more firmness. It is probably close to a MW200g but the MW is just more solid and has the plow-through like the 280/630. The Redondo was flexy enough for me to have to make a big adjustment on my serve. If you play golf, it's kind of like when you're used to a firm or very firm flex shaft and you try and swing a regular flex and you can literally feel the shaft bend and kick through the strike zone. Different strokes for different folks. Even though the flex of the Redondo and 280 is similar, I think the 280's flex is more uniform and it plays slightly stiffer, IMHO.

Good luck with those Tom's Machines. I don't think you'll want to sell them but please do keep me in mind :) And yes, the Kneissl frames do have kevlar/twaron for sure.

basil J

Hall of Fame
I used the 200GMW for years and I think that the Redondo 98" is a step up. It has a bigger sweet spot, flexier in the throat, yet stiffer in the hoop, which I feel gives you better control. There is no drop off of power when you hit high in the hoop like there is in the 200GMW. Because of the flex I seem to get better spin production as well. Flat serves are better with the dunlop, but all the spin serves come off the racquet face easier with the redondo than the dunlop IMO. No shock to the arm whatsoever. I have now switched over to KLIP gut with the amour coating and I don't even use a dampener anymore. There is a slight ping, but the racquet cups the ball so well with gut strings that I don't even notice it. It took me about 6 hours of playing time to get my serve up to speed with this frame, but all of my shots are now more easily generated than with the 200GMW.
KT, tis me, you got me. can't wait for them to arrive, Jason is slacking a bit

basil, usually if a racquet is generally stiffer it generates more spin if all else is equal. The pinging sound maybe comes from where the head is stiff. Has anyone taken off the leather grip and put a gamma hitec replacement?


michael chaho said:
KT, tis me, you got me. can't wait for them to arrive, Jason is slacking a bit

basil, usually if a racquet is generally stiffer it generates more spin if all else is equal. The pinging sound maybe comes from where the head is stiff. Has anyone taken off the leather grip and put a gamma hitec replacement?

Yep, I did remove the leather and use syn grip because I bought it a size too big ...

As for the 'ping' ... I don't know. I had described it somewhere out there, long, long ago in a thread far, far way that the Redondo's not as "thuddy" as others in the same class. If a "ping" is something "metallic" then, to me, I didn't feel it.

OK, the Redondo may give a sense more like dropping a golf ball on concrete instead of a tennis ball, not to that extreme though.
anirut said:
Yep, I did remove the leather and use syn grip because I bought it a size too big ...

As for the 'ping' ... I don't know. I had described it somewhere out there, long, long ago in a thread far, far way that the Redondo's not as "thuddy" as others in the same class. If a "ping" is something "metallic" then, to me, I didn't feel it.

OK, the Redondo may give a sense more like dropping a golf ball on concrete instead of a tennis ball, not to that extreme though.

ouch.. that golf to concrete sounds like a C10pro to me, very precise, no thanks. Maybe Volkl users that hate the "Head" feel might like the Redondo? well the PT630 sounds like a loud thump more like wacking Thera-Band Exercise Balls

here it is not so long ago
Ok you injected silicone in the handle, the PT630 sounds like that without the mess/hassle. what if I dont like the silicone? can I snort it out :)? what if the silicone creeps all the way up the frame and into the holes?


michael chaho said:
Ok you injected silicone in the handle, the PT630 sounds like that without the mess/hassle. what if I dont like the silicone? can I snort it out :)? what if the silicone creeps all the way up the frame and into the holes?

No, Mike, I don't use silicone.

I have found a fully reversible process. I use very fine foam pellets, with diameter <= 1 mm. This will fill up the whole racket. I'm compiling the pictures and planned to post the process. Keep checking the Redondo thread. Should be up in about a week. (Pls. gimme sometime to make money from my work too ...)

basil J

Hall of Fame
I took the leather grips off of both my redondos and replaced them with wilson replacement grips. Lowered the weight a bit and they are easier on my hands now.
anirut said:
No, Mike, I don't use silicone.

I have found a fully reversible process. I use very fine foam pellets, with diameter <= 1 mm. This will fill up the whole racket. I'm compiling the pictures and planned to post the process. Keep checking the Redondo thread. Should be up in about a week. (Pls. gimme sometime to make money from my work too ...)

wouldn't that make it feel/sound like the kinetic ionic "sand" that shakes inside the the but cap? looking forward to your photos anirut.

so we have two die hard Redondo fans that took off the leather grip, anyone else?

Can anyone compare the older Heritage Type C Kevlar/high modulus mix with the new redondo 100% graphite MP's?


Hall of Fame
I had the old Heritage Type C 98s and the Redondo 98s. I thought the older model wasn't too bad except my arm just about died since the stiffness was bad but for the few sets and practices I played with it wasn't too shabby; it was strung with Wilson Sensation 17 at 60 lbs. and the frame reminded me of a lighter iPrestige MP. The Redondo 98 played a bit light w/o the lead at the 3/9 so once I added lead it was a better hit since my arm didn't give out as quick (even strung with ALU Rough at 60 lbs. as I recall). As for the grips, I used some thick synthetic grip for the older Heritage while I stuck with the PK leather + 1 overgrip.


michael chaho said:
wouldn't that make it feel/sound like the kinetic ionic "sand" that shakes inside the the but cap? looking forward to your photos anirut.

No, the pellets don't shake, as I tap the racket lightly after the pellets filled up until the butt end to allow the pellets to settle tight. Then I cut small pieces of low-density styrofoam and stuffed them in to make sure that things don't move. [Prior to this, I didn't stuff the foam in and the pellets rattled lightly and I had to redo it to make it tight.]
I dont know, when you are wacking the ball hard for a long period or sometimes the frame hits the ground things inside might start to come lose no matter how tight you pack them. Somtimes due to climate change things might contract?! Maybe it might work. Let us know how long it holds up.

As for the difference between the two Type C, I thought the older version was more flexible? Not sure though the redondo was 58 while the Type C was 57, maybe I am wrong.


michael chaho said:
I dont know, when you are wacking the ball hard for a long period or sometimes the frame hits the ground things inside might start to come lose no matter how tight you pack them. Somtimes due to climate change things might contract?! Maybe it might work. Let us know how long it holds up.

As for the difference between the two Type C, I thought the older version was more flexible? Not sure though the redondo was 58 while the Type C was 57, maybe I am wrong.

Been playing with it since June and no problem. Hitting and playing hard as hell. Restrung about five times. Nothing loose inside the racket. Firm as ever.

I think the only something that's loose is inside my head ...

Per TW specs, the mid+ for the Redondo & Type C Silver are the same flex: 57.


Hall of Fame
jayserinos99 said:
I had the old Heritage Type C 98s and the Redondo 98s. I thought the older model wasn't too bad except my arm just about died since the stiffness was bad .

Thanks for posting this Jay. I was under the impression the older model was still a very arm friendly and reasonably flexible stick. Interesting to see it wasn't.


Hall of Fame
galain, i have a really sensitive arm so i tend to stick to flexy frames. based on spec alone i thought the old heritage type c would be pretty good so i nabbed a few of them but you never know how the frame would play until you go out and hit a few. not saying that the old type c was a bad frame but it just wasn't for me.