Out of the round ones I have, red devil 1.29, black force 1.29, concept 1.33, plus power 1.33.
-Concept is stiffest, but it notches the mains faster than the others
-Red devil is ok for tension maintenance as a cross if you use a tight string pattern or small head size like 90 or 95, otherwise there’s a initial noticeable drop
-plus power is low powered, holds tension ok, it probably holds tension almost as good as concept, but you can feel the tension change, whereas concept it feels very similar throughout its life, even if the tension has dropped, the tension drop feels gradual, where’s red devil has huge initial drop, concept feels same throughout
-black force stretches way more on the stringer than red devil, it holds its tension around the same as red devil, maybe tad worse
I’d recommend plus power, gut already is high powered, can get a bit more control, and is quite soft so it will be more gentle on the gut, concept has too much power, can only imagine it being more powerful with gut. Red devil doesn’t have as good tension maintenance, and has a big initial drop, plus powers gradual tension loss is more predictable.
But we are talking about specially for this use case. In other scenarios I’d probably take concept or red devil over plus power