slinger doesn't come close to the performance of the Proton...
visit the main Proton Thread at:
Thanks, missed that somehow! Unfortunately the link they provide for the Android App leads to a not found page so will have to email them Hoping to take the Proton on court for first time today! Does anyone know if the Android app is available and have a link, the one provided by Hydrogen in...
Proton doesn't come close to the performance of the Apollo spacecraft.
(Thanks for the link which I shall check of course, but your reply about performance is totally irrelevant to what I asked about European distributor/representative and support here.
And I asked for a time frame perhaps, not of current status, which is not to be criticized.
You may understand that there is difference if I have to wait for 6 months or maximum a year, than 2-4 years, when it is totally pointless for me to read or write about it now).