I'd like to hear from anyone who has undergone a Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injection for tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and if it firstly relieved the pain and then secondly healed the tendon. Basically, did the PRP injection work?
I don't normally post in the Health and Fitness forum, but a 4 month long severe case of tennis elbow has sent me here. I have played tennis for over 40 years and never had so much as an elbow twinge in all that time. On February 7th this year, I lifted a fallen branch, felt a slight bit of elbow pain and thought nothing of it. Played tennis that night, and from the first hit was in severe discomfit. Have not played since that time and have spent time with 2 physiotherapists, 2 acupuncturists, a sports massage therapist and had an ultrasound guided cortisone injection. I have spent plenty of time doing eccentric exercises both with weights and the red Flexbar all to no avail. If anything, the elbow is much more painful now than it was 3 months ago. I have had the diagnosis confirmed by both ultrasound and MRI - degeneration of the common extensor tendon, or tendonosis.
The pain is very debilitating - I cannot shake hands, squeeze anything, pick up the lightest objects without pain, shave, floss teeth etc let alone even grip a tennis racquet. I can stand a lot of pain and have undergone plenty of rehab in the past following surgeries - my left knee has been reconstructed twice plus 6 arthroscopies to repair meniscus tears or debride the joint, 2 arthroscopies on the right knee and a reconstructed right ankle to get back on the tennis court so I am no stranger to pain and painful rehab. But this consistent, nagging ache and pain is something again Just want to get rid of it and am hoping that PRP will start the healing process - at least have me moving in the right direction.
I'm happy to undergo surgery to fix the problem, but have been told that surgeons will not touch it until I've tried absolutely everything and 1 year has elapsed. So PRP it will be and maybe some ART if that doesn't work. To that end, I am booked in to have a PRP injection here in Brisbane on Monday 24th and am hoping for the best.
Your comments and advice would be most welcome and I'll post some updates on the PRP process and progress as time goes by.
I don't normally post in the Health and Fitness forum, but a 4 month long severe case of tennis elbow has sent me here. I have played tennis for over 40 years and never had so much as an elbow twinge in all that time. On February 7th this year, I lifted a fallen branch, felt a slight bit of elbow pain and thought nothing of it. Played tennis that night, and from the first hit was in severe discomfit. Have not played since that time and have spent time with 2 physiotherapists, 2 acupuncturists, a sports massage therapist and had an ultrasound guided cortisone injection. I have spent plenty of time doing eccentric exercises both with weights and the red Flexbar all to no avail. If anything, the elbow is much more painful now than it was 3 months ago. I have had the diagnosis confirmed by both ultrasound and MRI - degeneration of the common extensor tendon, or tendonosis.
The pain is very debilitating - I cannot shake hands, squeeze anything, pick up the lightest objects without pain, shave, floss teeth etc let alone even grip a tennis racquet. I can stand a lot of pain and have undergone plenty of rehab in the past following surgeries - my left knee has been reconstructed twice plus 6 arthroscopies to repair meniscus tears or debride the joint, 2 arthroscopies on the right knee and a reconstructed right ankle to get back on the tennis court so I am no stranger to pain and painful rehab. But this consistent, nagging ache and pain is something again Just want to get rid of it and am hoping that PRP will start the healing process - at least have me moving in the right direction.
I'm happy to undergo surgery to fix the problem, but have been told that surgeons will not touch it until I've tried absolutely everything and 1 year has elapsed. So PRP it will be and maybe some ART if that doesn't work. To that end, I am booked in to have a PRP injection here in Brisbane on Monday 24th and am hoping for the best.
Your comments and advice would be most welcome and I'll post some updates on the PRP process and progress as time goes by.