Pure drive 100, 98 or something else?



I have been playing tennis for 2 years now and I can say I passed from beginner to intermediate level, I am an agressive baseliner, semi western flat hitter, my current racquet is Babolat Pure Drive 100 and right now I string it with RPM Blast, tried different tensions but I have trouble keeping the ball in since I tend to hit too hard, I was thinking of what I should do to remedy the issue, should I try another string if so which one? Or should I try to change to Pure Drive 98 but I don't know if I can use a 98 since I never played with one. Or should I go with another racquet brand of 100 or 98 or can an early Intermediate use a 98 if I hit flat? Also I have no issue with stiff racquets, I want to lose some power but not too much. I also tried the ezone 100, pure strike 100 16x19 and speed pro and did not like any of those.Any suggestions would be appreciated!


Try a lower powdered poly string and string it higher..
Then work on technique and footwork to harness that power in a positive way..
Many on both tours are making $$$ with a pure drive..
It's a Great Tool..

If that's not an option that you want to explore..
Try a Blade 98 18*20..


Short of incorporating spinnier technique, demo demo demo softer frames (but not heavier which will make you hit flatter) to attenuate the power a bit.


New User
See here.


Try hitting with more spin. Honestly, pros can play with the PD 100 and EZ100s without any issue. I play at a pretty high level with an ezone myself and I know multiple D1 players using the PD 100. If you're consistently hitting long, it's most likely a issue of hitting with an open racket face at this stage. When you consistently miss 1-3 inches long, it may be a equipment issue. If you're missing over 6-12 inches long, it's always a technique issue that different strings or a different racket won't solve.


Just wrote up a playtest of the Pure Drive 98. I don't think it's your answer. I'd be playing around with strings instead of racquets. RPM Blast isn't easy to use imo. I like Confidential in high powered sticks