Pure Storm 2008 Arm friendly ??????????


I have recently played the Pure Storm 2008, and think it is a great all court racket. But my concern is in the long run is it an arm friendly racket ? I know the specs give it a decent flex rating, but thats not always the whole picture. Anybody, who has played the Pure Storm for any period of time your input here would be appreciated. Thanks.


I wrote here

I got to admit but using the PS Storm (non-tour) hit me with the same experience (TE), I just didn't know what was happening. I have SPPP in it and that is a "soft" poly - have left off using it because it was just all too painful and so am prospering with a kB98.

I really wanted to use the Storm, but it's stringbed I found a little less accurate than 18x20s that I am used to...

In addition:
I hoper to go back to it at some point as my TE has receded (though it;s lurking).

I'm just not totally sure that I can blame all this on the racquet. It's had to pinpoint the exact cause of TE because it is perhaps more a combination of factors.

It's too light for me stock so I did add lead. However I just couldn't get it to perform as I wanted.


To add:
Babolats have perhaps a bad reputation with TE on these boards but you just cannot tar all their models with the same brush and the Pure Storm Standard is one of their flexier frames.

Sometimes I think it's not the frame that does the TE damage but perhaps the poly strings so readily used now...