Pure Storm Ltd. GT vs Pure Strike 18X20

Hey so I've been using my pure storm ltd gt a lot more in recent weeks and I like it in practice but it's not that great of a match stick. I've heard a lot of comments about the PS 18x20 that sound similar to what I experience with my pure storm. Could you compare the two for me?
I've only used the PS GT LTD a few times and the PS 18 X 20 is my current stick of choice (though I may be switching to a blade 18 X 20 soon). Anyway, I think control is a little better in the Strike but the storm is a little more solid and power oriented. I can't give a fully detailed comparison though because my experience with the storm is limited, but that is my initial observation.


I have inly played with PSLGT of the two, but looking at TW reviews n specs PC95+ willl be better upgrade. I myslef though moved from PSLGT to PB10 mid.. much easier to compete in a match with PB10 mid.