Question about helping up and coming players


Not sure if this is the right forum to ask this but if anyone can give an informed response it would be much appreciated. Or alternatively if you can suggest an another forum where I may get such a response please do.

I am a businessman and tennis enthusiast - although sadly I am much better at finance and business than I am at tennis ! I also do voluntary community tennis coaching just for the love of the game - but I digress.

Anyways I was recently helping out at a $10k Futures and came across a young player or two who really stood out to me as being in a different class (both in terms of ability and personality) with real potential if given the opportunity. From talking to the players in question they are struggling along with no funding (no such thing from their federations) or sponsorship. Travelling alone and not even covering costs despite performing well at this level. One player has a recently appointed agent / manager (with no track record in tennis) who has yet to deliver anything.

Having thought about it I would like to try and help. I possibly have the contacts and goodwill to find potential investors and / or sponsors (and possibly benefactors if I pull in favours) to provide some useful financial assistance in order to give these players the opportunity they deserve to reach their potential.

My questions are:

1. Is there any typical arrangement for investing in this type of player?

2. Where does my position sit with respect to an existing agent? If I was able to find investors or benefactors (something I would do on a pro bono basis) I would not want this money to be channelled through an existing agent nor for that agent to skim anything off. In fact, for good reasons, I do not think potential investors I may have would accept the risk sending money to an unknown overseas agent.

Any informed response would be very much appreciated.