Question/advice on elbow pain experiences


I've searched a lot of here and seen a variety of feedback on elbow pain. I wanted to get some feedback on my situation ...

I recently switched from the APDC+ to the K90 Tour and really love the racket and feel I play a bit better with the K90 but have had elbow pain crop up since the switch. I've read varying things on the length the pain lasts. Some have said my body may need to adjust to the new frame, others say it will not get any better. I string the K90 with very arm friendly string at 52 lbs. so I tend to think it may be an adjustment period for my body getting used to a very different frame than I have been using. I do play a very aggressive topspin game and do not have Federer precision (I'm a 5.0 NTRP) as far as hitting the sweetspot so I'm sure it is harsh on my elbow partially due to off-center hits.

I can easily go back to the Babolat rackets and sell the K90 but what I'm wondering is how long is this adjustment period? Has anyone experienced this situation and if so how long before your arm got used to the new frame and the elbow pain subsided? Thoughts/advice/recommendations?


I've searched a lot of here and seen a variety of feedback on elbow pain. I wanted to get some feedback on my situation ...

I recently switched from the APDC+ to the K90 Tour and really love the racket and feel I play a bit better with the K90 but have had elbow pain crop up since the switch. I've read varying things on the length the pain lasts. Some have said my body may need to adjust to the new frame, others say it will not get any better. I string the K90 with very arm friendly string at 52 lbs. so I tend to think it may be an adjustment period for my body getting used to a very different frame than I have been using. I do play a very aggressive topspin game and do not have Federer precision (I'm a 5.0 NTRP) as far as hitting the sweetspot so I'm sure it is harsh on my elbow partially due to off-center hits.

I can easily go back to the Babolat rackets and sell the K90 but what I'm wondering is how long is this adjustment period? Has anyone experienced this situation and if so how long before your arm got used to the new frame and the elbow pain subsided? Thoughts/advice/recommendations?

There are no adjustments to elbow pain. if you let everything remain as it is, it is unlikely it will go away if you stay on the same path. in fact, it is likely to get worse. if you werent having any pain before you changed racquets, and have the pain as a result of making the change, you should just go back to what you were using at least until your elbow gets better. do the necessary rehab stuff. Missing the sweetzone easily causes TE and the k90 is not a good racquet for when people do miss the sweetzone if they hit it hard enough to cause some damage. here is a case where the evil arm beater babolat was fine and the so called comfortable midsized frame was an arm beater. a cue is that you hit with a lot of top. a midsized frame doesnt give you a much lesser chance of a flush hit with a more abrupt swingpath...i'd use a larger headed racquet even though you are a 5.0
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That sounds reasonable and what I was thinking myself. I have very good strokes outside of my forehand, it is very whippy and I do not it it clean as often as I'd like. My backhand is more classic and clean but my forehand is not.

I played yesterday for two hours of pretty intense singles and used the APDC+ and my elbow feels fine today relative to what it has been following a match with the K90.

If the K90 is the main culprit, is there a frame similar that is easy on the arm? I like the smaller head size and actually play better with the K90 than I do with the Babolats. Does Wilson, Head or anyone make a more arm-friendly frame in the smaller head size?


That sounds reasonable and what I was thinking myself. I have very good strokes outside of my forehand, it is very whippy and I do not it it clean as often as I'd like. My backhand is more classic and clean but my forehand is not.

I played yesterday for two hours of pretty intense singles and used the APDC+ and my elbow feels fine today relative to what it has been following a match with the K90.

If the K90 is the main culprit, is there a frame similar that is easy on the arm? I like the smaller head size and actually play better with the K90 than I do with the Babolats. Does Wilson, Head or anyone make a more arm-friendly frame in the smaller head size?

I would wait a short bit and demo the Becker B11Mid when it becomes available. i've heard really good things about this frame. it will replace the dnx10Mid which is a terrific frame in its own right..very comfortable..good juice..and very large sweetzone for it's headsize