Question for volkl users


New User
I have recently replaced the pallets on a cat 8 v-engine and when I removed the buttcap was shocked to see a solid end on the racquet and not the sensor tour handle that they say is their, only the buttcap had a thin piece of rubber in the end of it so it looks like the sensor handle from the outside.
I am not saying that the rubber is not behind the solid end piece and it really does not matter, I still think that volkl is one of the better made racquets,
my kid just got a dnx 9 last week and I had a hit with it and this is one of the better racquets I have tried. What bothered me was this quote
(This is visible technology you can actually see through the butt cap of the racquet.) Are all sensor tour handle like this or just the cat 8?


New User
I think the volkl website has a demo of the sensor handle technology...may make more sense when you see that.


I thought the butt-cap was the sensor tour handle. All my volkls have it. I think the volkl feel on my rackets comes from fiberglass which I believe all mine have. My wilson Aggressors have fiberglass and they have a similar feel of volkl

louis netman

Hall of Fame
My experience with the sensor tour was on the T10 and subsequent 10 series incarnations. It is a layer of dense foam rubber wrapped tightly around the handle underneath the pallet. Newer made C10's carry the new buttcaps that say "sensor tour," but realy don't have anything in them. They are actually better that way as they allow for more feel and the frame is still comfortable without it.

the red C7 and C8 frames had "vibration dampening grip" written on the buttcap, which seemed to be an early form of the Sensor Tour because it was a layer of dense foam, although not as thick as "Sensor Tour." C9 and earlier C10 had "twin absorber handle" written on the buttcap which really wasn't anything but a pair of 2mm foam pieces where the butt met the inside of the buttcap... I have never disected a non "C" or non "10" series frame and I don't know wazzup with those handles...