Quick Help Needed Please: Stringing a Prince 03 White

Power Game

Help Needed: Stringing a Prince 03 White

I have a couple of questions.
What is the tiny little plastic piece that comes w/ the racquet? It comes wrapped onto the handle, is that an insert/dampener kind of thing or is it the "boomerang" tool that I've heard a little bit about.

How is stringing this different from other racquets? I'll be stringing them myself, and I've strung quite a few of various racquet types but never an 03 model.

Is there anything I should know before I start/attempt to string these racquets?

Would this racquet follow the normal pattern (for a 16x19) for ATW (1 piece) stringing, as posted by several expert stringers here?

Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.

Power Game

thomas martinez

Not sure what comes on the handle other then the little dampener plug for the throat. The boomerrang comes in the racquet case, and is attached to a keychain. They're pretty simple to string. Best way to do them is without the boomerrang and string them like the old Wilson Rollers frames by locking down your tray table. That's the only unconventional thing about them. They finish the mains up at the head so no worries about around the world.

Power Game

You're right, that little thing is a dampener plug.
I don't have a boomerang tool though, my racquets didn't come w/ any. The only thing I have attached in my case is a little plastic bag w/ the "hard" throat grommet.

Anyway, I've never strung a Rollers frame either. I have an Alpha Revo 4000 (fixed clamps, swivel, 6pt) w/ a Wise head... the table locks by a screw on base of the machine, does that mean that I need to screw that in and out (tighten/loosen) for each pull?

thomas martinez

Yes you do. You will get some odd angles at which the string is pulled, but it is no worries. The otehr option is if you can do it, hold the racquet at the angle while it pulls.


New User
The short side, long side and starting knote for the crosses are all fixed and marked on the racquet. Don't mix them up, otherwise you can't finish the crosses.

Steve Huff

Ed, none of the O3's I've strung have had a boomerang tool either. I wouldn't use it anyway. If you're using a multifiliment string, try to leave enough at the end so that you can thread the last cross into the second-to-last hole for tying off BEFORE tensioning the second-to-last cross. It can be tough to get a soft string into the tie-off hole when it's already got a tensioned string in it. Prince just didn't make the last tie-off hole big enough. Same is true for some (if not all) of the other O3 models as well. Hope Prince corrects this problem in the future.