Quote of the day


Talk Tennis Guru

D.H. Lawrence D.H. Lawrence > Quotes​

“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.”
― D.H. Lawrence

“Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically. The cataclysm has happened, we are among the ruins, we start to build up new little habitats, to have new little hopes. It is rather hard work: there is now no smooth road into the future: but we go round, or scramble over the obstacles. We’ve got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen.”

“But better die than live mechanically a life that is a repetition of repetitions.”

“Nobody knows you.
You don't know yourself.
And I, who am half in love with you,
What am I in love with?
My own imaginings?”

“Life is ours to be spent, not to
be saved.”


Talk Tennis Guru
Edmund Hillary quotes

“I have discovered that even the mediocre can have adventures and even the fearful can achieve.”
― Edmund Hillary
“You don't have to be a hero to accomplish great things---to compete. You can just be an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals.”
― Edmund Hillary
“People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things.”
― Edmund Hillary


Talk Tennis Guru
Optimism is an alienated form of faith, pessimism an alienated form of despair...
The basis of rational faith in man is the presence of a real possibility for his salvation; the
basis for rational despair would be the knowledge that no such possibility can be seen.

-Erich Fromm


Talk Tennis Guru
''Communism was a great system for making people equally poor—in fact, there was no better system in the world for that than communism. Capitalism made people unequally rich.''

Thomas L. Friedman, The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century


Talk Tennis Guru
I stumbled upon some quotes stumbling to explain life's meaning.
Don't know who said them (mostly).

The meaning or purpose of life is to...

flail and then to fail

is to find your gift

is to give life meaning

is to have no goals

is just to live

The meaning of life is that there is no meaning

is to do good

is the universe becoming conscious of itself

is to be happy

is to adapt

is to survive

is whatever you think- until it isn't

is a trap from which there is no escape

is a question without answer

is a way of spending the time

Life- if you have to explain it, you're not doing it right

Life is difficult, and the opposite is not so much fun either.

Please add to the list if you come across more definitions,
or make your own...


Talk Tennis Guru
Raymond Smullyan Quotes
-I have free, but not of my choice.

-Why should I be worried about dying? It's
not going to happen in my lifetime.

-Some people are always critical of vague statements.
I tend to be critical of precise statements, they are the only
ones which can be correctly labeled 'wrong'.



Talk Tennis Guru

-Nothing is more honest than a dream.

-Regrets are a waste of time. they are the past
crippling you in the present.

-The visionary is the only realist.

-Money is everywhere, but so is poetry. What
we lack are the poets.

-Everyone knows that time is death, that death hides in clocks.


Talk Tennis Guru
Mister (Fred) Rogers-

-Love isn't a perfect state of caring, it's an active noun, like "struggle".

-Play is really the work of childhood.

-Children aren't responsible for wars.


Upon this morning so auspicious, life endues a monumental choice for me to so taketh.
Citizens of thy lower hamlets, HARK & BEWARE, for thee wilt hath't thy own choises to maketh.
I see yonder the fridgid snow is now melting, and so the hungry bears are presently awakening.
I must now chooseth; 〰️ to remain in mine humbly secluded high Alpine hut for unknown months, ➖ OR
taketh bravery to heart, and in so march down through thy "Stout Bear Forest," to visit thy lower hamlets.
The urgent time is now approaching, for I desperately needeth to replenish mine supply of Fruit Loops!!
QUOTE : "Uhhh,...'t's not for me alone...Mine faithful mule Molisa craves for thy city-folk breakfast cereal!"
------ So Be It ⚜ ------
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Talk Tennis Guru
Tristan Tzara- some quotes about Dadaism

There is a literature that does not reach the voracious mass. It is the work of creators, issued from a real necessity in the author, produced for himself. It expresses the knowledge of a supreme egoism, in which laws wither away. Every page must explode, either by profound heavy seriousness, the whirlwind, poetic frenzy, the new, the eternal, the crushing joke, enthusiasm for principles, or by the way in which it is printed. On the one hand a tottering world in flight, betrothed to the glockenspiel of hell, on the other hand: new men. Rough, bouncing, riding on hiccups. Behind them a crippled world and literary quacks with a mania for improvement.”
― Tristan Tzara

“Not the old, not the new, but the necessary.”
― Tristan Tzara

“Any work of art that can be understood is the product of journalism. The rest, called literature, is a dossier of human imbecility for the guidance of future professors.”
― Tristan Tzara

“The summit sings what is being spoken in the depths.”
― Tristan Tzara, Seven Dada Manifestos and Lampisteries

“Dada is not modern at all, it is rather a return to a quasi-Buddhist religion of indifference. Dada puts an artificial sweetness onto things, a snow of butterflies coming out of a conjurer's skull. Dada is stillness and does not understand the passions.”
― Tristan Tzara

“Every page should explode, either because of its staggering absurdity, the enthusiasm of its principles, or its typography.”
― Tristan Tzara, Manifesti del dadaismo


Talk Tennis Guru
Some oxymoronic quotations

Melancholy is the pleasure of being sad.
-Victor Hugo

Unpredictability can become monotonous.
-Eric Hoffer

The only certainty is that nothing is certain.
-Pliny the Elder

There is no more expensive thing than a free gift.

Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everyone else?
-James Thurber

A man's memory is what he forgets with.
-Odell Shepard

It is fatal to live too long.


Talk Tennis Guru
A few from Victor Hugo

-To learn to read is to light a fire.

-The Paradise of the rich is made out of the Hell of the poor.

-He who does not weep does not see.

-To put everything in balance is good, but to put everything in harmony is better.


Talk Tennis Guru
Oldie (1960s?) musician quotes

Some people feel the rain, other's just get wet.
-Bob Dylan

If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how?
-Joan Baez

I feel myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown.
-Jim Morrison

Being famous is not the same as being important.
-Arlo Guthrie

The difference between education and experience- education is when you read the fine print,
Experience is what you get when you don't.
-Woodie Guthrie
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Talk Tennis Guru
A poet makes himself a visionary through a long, boundless, and systematized disorganization of all the senses. All forms of love, of suffering, of madness; he searches himself, he exhausts within himself all poisons, and preserves their quintessences. Unspeakable torment, where he will need the greatest faith, a superhuman strength, where he becomes all men the great invalid, the great criminal, the great accursed--and the Supreme Scientist! For he attains the unknown! Because he has cultivated his soul, already rich, more than anyone! He attains the unknown, and if, demented, he finally loses the understanding of his visions, he will at least have seen them! So what if he is destroyed in his ecstatic flight through things unheard of, unnameable: other horrible workers will come; they will begin at the horizons where the first one has fallen!
― Arthur Rimbaud


Talk Tennis Guru
A few quotes from Kurt Gödel

The more I think about language, the more it amazes me that people ever understand each other at all.”

“I don't believe in empirical science. I only believe in a priori truth.”

“The meaning of the world is the separation of wish and fact.”

“Either mathematics is too big for the human mind or the human mind is more than a machine.”

“There is a difference between a thing and talking about a thing.”

“Our total reality and total existence are beautiful and meaningful . . . . We should judge reality by the little which we truly know of it. Since that part which conceptually we know fully turns out to be so beautiful, the real world of which we know so little should also be beautiful. Life may be miserable for seventy years and happy for a million years: the short period of misery may even be necessary for the whole.”

I get cramps

Emil Cioran - We rightly scorn those who have not made use of their defects, who have not exploited their deficiencies and have not been enriched by their losses, as we despise any man who does not suffer at being a man or simply at being.


Talk Tennis Guru
Some writers on writing

A novel must be exceptionally good to live as long as the average cat.
-Hugh MacLennan

I write for myself and strangers. The strangers, dear readers, are an afterthought.
-Gertrude Stein

I have cultivated my hysteria with joy and terror.
-Charles Baudelaire

I like prefaces. I read them. Sometimes I do not read any further.
-Malcom Lowery

There is but one art, to omit.
-Robert louis Stevenson

I struggled in the beginning. I said I was going to write the truth, so help me God.
And I thought I was. I found I couldn't. Nobody can write the absolute truth.
-Henry Miller

The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one's real and
one's declared aims one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms,
like a cuttlefish squirting out ink/
-George Orwell


Talk Tennis Guru
Quotes about this and that

It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception,
is composed of others.
-John Andrew Holmes

Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.
-Jean-Paul Sartre

The placebo cures 30% of patients- no matter what they have.
-David Kline

Change is not made without inconvenience, even from worse to better.
-Richard Hooker

A man's most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe.
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Talk Tennis Guru
Man Ray

- I never knew what I was doing until I was done.

- When I saw I was on attack from all sides, I knew I was on the right track.

- Reality is fabricated out of desire.

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Talk Tennis Guru
A few from James Joyce

-There is no heresy or no philosophy which is so abhorrent to the church as a human being.

- A man of genius makes no mistakes; his errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery.

- Irresponsibility is part of the pleasure of art; it is the part the schools don't recognize.

- My mouth is full of decayed teeth and my soul of decayed ambitions.


Talk Tennis Guru
“What is raised by printing notes is just as much taken from the public as is a beer-duty or an income-tax. What the Government spends the public pays for. There is no such thing as an uncovered deficit.”
John Maynard Keynes


Bionic Poster
This piece of Borges is a collection of quotes by itself.

Fragments of an Apocryphal Gospel
Jorge Luis Borges

Translated by Mark D Larsen

Wretched are the poor in spirit, for under the earth they shall be what they now are upon the earth.
Wretched are they that mourn, for they already have the miserable habit of mourning.
Fortunate are they that know that suffering is not a crown of glory.
It sufficeth not to be the last in order to someday be the first.
Happy are they that do not insist they are right, for no man is or all men are.
Happy are they that forgive others and they that forgive themselves.
Blessed are the meek, for they do not condescend to disagreement.
Blessed are they that do not hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they know that our fortune, adverse or merciful, is a matter of chance, which is inscrutable.
Blessed are the merciful, for their happiness lies in the exercise of mercy and not in the hope of a reward.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they see God.
Blessed are they that suffer persecution for the sake of righteousness, for righteousness matters more to them than their human destiny.
Nobody is the salt of the earth; no one, at some moment in life, is not the salt of the earth.
Let thy light so shine, even if men cannot see it. God shall see it.
There is no commandment which cannot be broken, neither those that I say nor those that the prophets have said.
He that kills for a just cause, or for a cause which he believes just, is guiltless.
The acts of men deserve neither hell fire nor heaven.
Hate not thine enemy, for upon doing so, thou art in some way his slave. Thy hate shall never be better than thy peace.
If thy right hand offend thee, forgive it; thou art thy body and thou art thy soul and it is difficult, if not impossible, to determine the boundary that divides them...
Exaggerate not the cult of truth; there is no man that at the end of the day has not lied with good reason many times.
Swear not, for all swearing is an emphasis.
Resist evil, but without awe or anger. To whomsoever smite thee on thy right cheek, thou mayest turn the other also, as long as thou art not moved by fear.
I speak not of vengeance nor of forgiveness; to forget is the only vengeance and the only forgiveness.
Doing good to thine enemies can be an act of righteousness and it is not difficult; loving them, a task for angels and not for men.
Doing good to thine enemies is the best way to placate thy vanity.
Lay not up gold upon earth, because gold is the father of idleness, and the latter, of sadness and of boredom.
Judge that others are or shall be righteous, and if they are not, it is not thy error.
God is more generous than men and shall mete to them with a different measure.
Give that which is holy to dogs, cast thy pearls before swine; what is most important is to give.
Seek for the pleasure of seeking, not for that of finding...
The gate is the one that chooses, not the man.
Judge not a tree by its fruits, neither a man by his works; they could be better or worse.
Nothing is built upon the rock, everything upon the sand, but our duty is to build as though the sand were rock...
Happy are the poor without bitterness or the rich without pride.
Happy are the valiant, they that accept with equal spirit failure or applause.
Happy are they that retain in their memory the words of Virgil or Christ, for these shall give light to their days.
Happy are they that are loved and they that love and they that can do without love.
Happy are the happy.


Talk Tennis Guru

-To live is to suffer, to survive is to find
some meaning in the suffering.

-In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups,
parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.

-Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.


Talk Tennis Guru
The fact that I, myself, at the moment of painting, do not understand my own pictures,
does not mean that these pictures have no meaning; on the contrary, their meaning
is so profound, complex, coherent and involuntary that it escapes the most simple
analysis of logical intuition.

-Salvador Dali


Talk Tennis Guru
"I have had many talents given to me and I feel they are in trust. I shall not bury them but give them to the lads who long for a wider education"

Johns Hopkins


You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.

Marie Curie


Talk Tennis Guru
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.

Marie Curie
I have mixed feelings about this quote.
I agree completely that we should build a world where each person is encouraged and helped to seek their ultimate
potential- for their own benefit and for the advancement of society.
However, by directing their energies to those individual "who can be most useful" suggests something
other than universal education, but rather something more slanted toward the "deserving few".


Talk Tennis Guru
There are different versions of this quote,
sometimes known as the Epicurean paradox (Greek philosopher Epicurus).
Basically it goes like this-
If God is all-powerful and all-good, then why is there evil and suffering in the world?

Another version goes like this' If God is unable to prevent evil, then he is
not all-powerful. If God is both willing and able to prevent evil, then why does it exist.


Talk Tennis Guru
Who is quoted below?
a. Samuel Pepys b. Edgar Allan Poe c. Dr Suess

-No matter what you do, somebody always imputes meaning into your books.

-Adults are obsolete children.

-Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better, it's not.