3. | Wretched are the poor in spirit, for under the earth they shall be what they now are upon the earth. |
4. | Wretched are they that mourn, for they already have the miserable habit of mourning. |
5. | Fortunate are they that know that suffering is not a crown of glory. |
6. | It sufficeth not to be the last in order to someday be the first. |
7. | Happy are they that do not insist they are right, for no man is or all men are. |
8. | Happy are they that forgive others and they that forgive themselves. |
9. | Blessed are the meek, for they do not condescend to disagreement. |
10. | Blessed are they that do not hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they know that our fortune, adverse or merciful, is a matter of chance, which is inscrutable. |
11. | Blessed are the merciful, for their happiness lies in the exercise of mercy and not in the hope of a reward. |
12. | Blessed are the pure in heart, for they see God. |
13. | Blessed are they that suffer persecution for the sake of righteousness, for righteousness matters more to them than their human destiny. |
14. | Nobody is the salt of the earth; no one, at some moment in life, is not the salt of the earth. |
15. | Let thy light so shine, even if men cannot see it. God shall see it. |
16. | There is no commandment which cannot be broken, neither those that I say nor those that the prophets have said. |
17. | He that kills for a just cause, or for a cause which he believes just, is guiltless. |
18. | The acts of men deserve neither hell fire nor heaven. |
19. | Hate not thine enemy, for upon doing so, thou art in some way his slave. Thy hate shall never be better than thy peace. |
20. | If thy right hand offend thee, forgive it; thou art thy body and thou art thy soul and it is difficult, if not impossible, to determine the boundary that divides them... |
24. | Exaggerate not the cult of truth; there is no man that at the end of the day has not lied with good reason many times. |
25. | Swear not, for all swearing is an emphasis. |
26. | Resist evil, but without awe or anger. To whomsoever smite thee on thy right cheek, thou mayest turn the other also, as long as thou art not moved by fear. |
27. | I speak not of vengeance nor of forgiveness; to forget is the only vengeance and the only forgiveness. |
28. | Doing good to thine enemies can be an act of righteousness and it is not difficult; loving them, a task for angels and not for men. |
29. | Doing good to thine enemies is the best way to placate thy vanity. |
30. | Lay not up gold upon earth, because gold is the father of idleness, and the latter, of sadness and of boredom. |
31. | Judge that others are or shall be righteous, and if they are not, it is not thy error. |
32. | God is more generous than men and shall mete to them with a different measure. |
33. | Give that which is holy to dogs, cast thy pearls before swine; what is most important is to give. |
34. | Seek for the pleasure of seeking, not for that of finding... |
39. | The gate is the one that chooses, not the man. |
40. | Judge not a tree by its fruits, neither a man by his works; they could be better or worse. |
41. | Nothing is built upon the rock, everything upon the sand, but our duty is to build as though the sand were rock... |
47. | Happy are the poor without bitterness or the rich without pride. |
48. | Happy are the valiant, they that accept with equal spirit failure or applause. |
49. | Happy are they that retain in their memory the words of Virgil or Christ, for these shall give light to their days. |
50. | Happy are they that are loved and they that love and they that can do without love. |
51. | Happy are the happy. |