A while back (a couple weeks ago) I found a book of quotes
of writers criticizing other writers.
I will write out the quote- and then you may try to determine to whom it refers.
1.One of the surest signs of his genius is that women dislike his books.
-George Orwell
2. I wish her characters would talk a little less like the heroes and heroines of police reports.
-George Eliot
3. He's impossible. He's pathetic and preposterous. he writes like a sick man.
-Gertrude Stein
4. Mr. ----- is at times an excellent poet and has arrived at the supreme eminence among English critics
largely through disguising himself as a corpse.
-Ezra Pound
5. The stupid person's idea of the clever person.
-Elizabeth Bowen
6. A large shaggy dog just unchained scouring the beaches of the world and baying at the moon.
-Robert Louis Stevenson
7. The jingle man.
8. He has never been known to use a word that might send a man to the dictionary.
-William Faulkner
9. That insolent little ruffian, that crapulous lout. when he quitted a sofa, he left behind a smear.
My wife says he even tried to paw her ab
-Norman Cameron
10. What a tiresome, affected sod.
-Noel Coward
Match insulting quote to the writer being insulted from the list below.
a. Charlotte Bronte
b. T S Eliot
c. Walt Whitman
d. Oscar Wilde
e. Joseph Conrad
f. Aldous Huxley
g. E A Poe
h. D H Lawrence
i. Ernest Hemingway
j. Dylan Thomas
Answers: 1=e, 2=a, 3=h, 4=b, 5=f, 6=c, 7=g, 8=i, 9=j, 10=d