There's obviously all Asian clubs in Japan. Asian countries are some of the most homogeneous countries there are. Hardly welcoming to outsiders.
Most people join clubs to play tennis, golf, socialize and relax. Most don't want to be a minority at a club they belong to. Isn't it normal for folks to hang with people similar to themselves.
I know of predominately jewish country clubs where white non-jewish folks couldn;t get in if they tried.
How about black fraternities in colleges. Most whites except for a few wannabees wouldn;t feel right in that environment.
As far as the establishment goes. Congress is slowly changing with the demographics of the country. Compare the composition of congress not to the current population demographics but to what they were 10 or 20 years ago.
Monorities, especially hispanics an Asians are rapidly becoming americanized. As the numbers of successful minority business owners and professionals increase, you will certainly see their ranks in the congress grow.
Please stop trying to prove America is full of bigots. It's not. America is the most successful integrated country in existence. There simply is no other country where whites, blacks, hispanics, indians, asians, christians, jews, and muslims, and atheists coexist peacefully as they do here in the US.
My biggest concern is the recent tendency towards a lack of assimilation into american culture by newer immigrants. I'm afraid that new americans are isolating themselves into distinct groups as opposed to assimilating as individuals into american society as they have historically. They are hangining on to their own language, culture, values without learning english and participating in American cultural norms. This prevents them blending into the "melting pot".
Liberals constant pleas for tolerance of language and culture impeads the very diversity and assimilation that they desire. Immigrants that can come here and read their own language newspaper, read street signs in their own language, and stay in their own isolated communities don't need to learn english and american culture to subsist. They can do menial work and do just fine at the lower economic tier of society. However, unless they adapt and learn english, they won't assimilate into american society at a level to succeed in business and gain political office.
What good is a society where the citizens stay in distinct groups based on individual religion, race and language? It's a recipie for disaster. Look at the muslim problems in France and Great Britain. Muslims there were not encouraged to assimilate into the common cultures of the country. They are isolated into poor isolated communities and are viewed as aliens shun by the general population. Isolation of groups in societies is bad. It breeds civil unrest. Assimilation should be encouraged so that individuals as oppposed to groups win or lose on their own individual merit as opposed to what group they are in. American culture is based on self reliance and individual achievement. We need to preserve that or we'll end up with a welfare society with low productivity, civil unrest, high taxes, whining population. Where the masses of underachieving slugs expect the government to take care of them. Kinda like France!
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