Racket search


New User
I'm roughly utr 8 to 9, and in college but not a college-player.

I'm looking to switch rackets with some criteria/ things I know I like.

I like open patterns, but spin friendly 18/20 isn't bad.

I like headlight frames.

I've owned the 360+ speed mp, the 2022 speed mp, 360+ gravity tour, 360+ extreme tour most recently.
I used to use a yonex ezone lite around middle school and I don't dislike their head shapes at all.
I recently demoed the vcore 98, vcore 95, and percept 97D.

The percepts plow through felt great, and the weight distribution, low twist weight and headlightness of the 95 was great, and I played better with the 98 just because its a little more forgiving.

I thought its interesting that the 95 feels way lighter and more maneuverable than the 98 while having a higher static weight.

I'm looking for a racket which is weighted close to vcore 95, but is a 97 to 100 square inch just to be a little more forgiving, powerful, and depth friendly.


Hall of Fame
TW has it's "Racquet Finder" feature. You can put in all the parameters you listed and it will show you all the available sticks. Very helpful if you know what the specs mean (as you do).