Racquet recommendation


New User
Hello all the experts in tennis.

I just want to get your recommendation in regarding, choosing right racquet for me. I have been playing for about two years. I started playting with federer's racquet (K-factor one tour 90), but as you will know that racquet has very small sweetspot so I couldn't get much power with it but it was not heavy as I didn't feel any pain on my wrist, elbow or shoulder after I play for like 4 hours...:( lol

So I decided to get a new racquet and I bought Head liquidmetal radical midplus from tennis warehouse on the special price of 69.95. After I play with it I got better control and lots of power compared to federer's racquet but I feel like it's probably bit light for me. Federer's racquet is 345g whereas head racquet is 318g. For that reason, I am not sure whether I should stick on this racquet or get a new racquet. I know it's depends on me but I want to get some advice from you guys so help me out lol

(I was looking at Andy Murray's racquet and I reckon it would be alright but I haven't actually play with it)

I don't really mind brands but please focus your recommendation on these brands, head, wilson, babolat, yonex and technifibre


It really depends on what weight you are comfortable with. If you can handle 345 with no problems, you shouldn't use a racquet with 318. Thus you have two options. The first (which I wouldn't recommend unless you are skilled with lead tape) would be to add a LOT of lead to your Liquidmetal. The second option, imo, would be to try some of the tecnifibre racquets. They are all quality racquets, specifically the tfight 320, and tfight 325.


New User
It really depends on what weight you are comfortable with. If you can handle 345 with no problems, you shouldn't use a racquet with 318. Thus you have two options. The first (which I wouldn't recommend unless you are skilled with lead tape) would be to add a LOT of lead to your Liquidmetal. The second option, imo, would be to try some of the tecnifibre racquets. They are all quality racquets, specifically the tfight 320, and tfight 325.

so what would be the reason for me to be not able to hit stronger shot with federer's racquet? headsize or balance?

Steve Huff

You could restring your Fed racket at a lower tension using a multifiliment string, or natural gut. If you like the way it feels, you can always get more power out of it. Really not quite sure what you're asking. It sounds like you want to use the Fed racket if you can get more power. If that's what you're asking, try the above recommendation.
so what would be the reason for me to be not able to hit stronger shot with federer's racquet? headsize or balance?

Before looking at the racquet I might look at your strokes. If you're not hitting the sweet spot consistently, you might not be keeping your eye on the ball until contact (like Fed does). That will lead to a weaker shot.

The other possibility which is not exclusive to hitting the sweet spot is that you may not be using your kinetic chain efficiently. Are you bending your knees, turning your shoulder and transferring your weight into the shot? Using your kinetic chain efficiently means that you'll protect your body

Another possibility is your footwork. If you're not getting yourself to where you can hit the ball at your ideal contact point and stay balanced, your shots will be weaker.

Once you have the kind of strokes where you can hit deep with control and consistency all day against live balls, your choice of racquet (be it a Wilson BLX 90 or Head Radical MP) will become a personal preference.


New User
You could restring your Fed racket at a lower tension using a multifiliment string, or natural gut. If you like the way it feels, you can always get more power out of it. Really not quite sure what you're asking. It sounds like you want to use the Fed racket if you can get more power. If that's what you're asking, try the above recommendation.

Thanks for your reply.
My query is following, I have two racquet which are Kfactor one tour 90 and head liquidmetal MP. federer's racquet is strung with Luxilon banger power ice at tension of 57, whereas liquidmetal is strung with luxilon big banger alu rough at tension of 60. When I hit with federer's racquet, I feel that I am not generating similar to when I am hitting with head racquet, so I am not sure whether it is the headsize or actually problem with my shot. So I want try other racquet which is bit heavier than liquidmetal (i feel it's bit light to me) but not heavy as federer's racquet with size of 95-95 headsize, which enables me to generate power and control.

Any recommendations?


I would try the Babolat Pure Storm Tour or Limited. About Mid range weight wise and still offers comfortable power with the ability to add touch when called upon.


Hall of Fame
I would try the Babolat Pure Storm Tour or Limited. About Mid range weight wise and still offers comfortable power with the ability to add touch when called upon.
I would second this....but be aware....The Pure Storm Ltd,...is becoming hard to get......great racquet......
Thanks for your reply.
My query is following, I have two racquet which are Kfactor one tour 90 and head liquidmetal MP. federer's racquet is strung with Luxilon banger power ice at tension of 57, whereas liquidmetal is strung with luxilon big banger alu rough at tension of 60. When I hit with federer's racquet, I feel that I am not generating similar to when I am hitting with head racquet, so I am not sure whether it is the headsize or actually problem with my shot. So I want try other racquet which is bit heavier than liquidmetal (i feel it's bit light to me) but not heavy as federer's racquet with size of 95-95 headsize, which enables me to generate power and control.

Any recommendations?

Try the kfactor with a multifilament at about 55pounds /25 kgs. For instance Gosen OG Sheep Micro. Works great for me.


Hall of Fame
Thanks for your reply.
My query is following, I have two racquet which are Kfactor one tour 90 and head liquidmetal MP. federer's racquet is strung with Luxilon banger power ice at tension of 57, whereas liquidmetal is strung with luxilon big banger alu rough at tension of 60. When I hit with federer's racquet, I feel that I am not generating similar to when I am hitting with head racquet, so I am not sure whether it is the headsize or actually problem with my shot. So I want try other racquet which is bit heavier than liquidmetal (i feel it's bit light to me) but not heavy as federer's racquet with size of 95-95 headsize, which enables me to generate power and control.

Any recommendations?
My two pence worth (in the UK)

To get power out of the K90 you need to have long developed strokes and excellent footwork/timing. If you lack either of these things you will not genereate any power and your weight of shot will be such that it creates an easy put away for your opponent. Using a pro's racket does not make you play like one!

Pick a heavier frame by all means but keep the SW below 330 in order to allow you to generate some racket head speed. Look at the brands you mention and find the frames that fit between 11-12 oz HL balance and not too high a SW.

No shame in admitting a racket is too advanced for your game, I know I couldn't play consistently with the K90 either.

fuzz nation

I completely agree with our pal, smirker, but there's another problem with your gear. You've got that Wilson frame which may be fine if you really like to swing it, but you've got it strung with stuff that's specifically not powerful.

Poly strings give heavy hitters at the college and pro levels more control so that they can take ferocious cuts at the ball and still keep it down on the court. When I say ferocious in this case, I mean very well developed full strokes. Recreational players, even those who are somewhat accomplished, just don't need this type of string. I'd say you should try some good synthetic gut or multifiber to get a bit more life out of that frame in case you keep it. The same goes for that Radical. Try different strings before you invest in a new frame.

I have a couple different mids that have similar performance to the k 90 and I also used to have a pair of those LM Radicals. You've made the jump from a true heavyweight to a middleweight frame, but since you're getting more performance from the Radical, it sounds to me as though your technique is still developing and I think you'd be smart to not overdo it if you get another racquet.

A head-light midplus option around 11.8-12 oz. ought to put you in the ballpark and I'd say that the Tecnifibres could be worth a look along with something like the Volkl PB 10 mp. Always a good idea to try some demos.


Hall of Fame
I completely agree with our pal, smirker, but there's another problem with your gear. You've got that Wilson frame which may be fine if you really like to swing it, but you've got it strung with stuff that's specifically not powerful.

Poly strings give heavy hitters at the college and pro levels more control so that they can take ferocious cuts at the ball and still keep it down on the court. When I say ferocious in this case, I mean very well developed full strokes. Recreational players, even those who are somewhat accomplished, just don't need this type of string. I'd say you should try some good synthetic gut or multifiber to get a bit more life out of that frame in case you keep it. The same goes for that Radical. Try different strings before you invest in a new frame.

I have a couple different mids that have similar performance to the k 90 and I also used to have a pair of those LM Radicals. You've made the jump from a true heavyweight to a middleweight frame, but since you're getting more performance from the Radical, it sounds to me as though your technique is still developing and I think you'd be smart to not overdo it if you get another racquet.

A head-light midplus option around 11.8-12 oz. ought to put you in the ballpark and I'd say that the Tecnifibres could be worth a look along with something like the Volkl PB 10 mp. Always a good idea to try some demos.

very true. Low powered, mid sized racket and low powered string = not much power which is fine if you can generate loads of head speed but otherwise...
recipe for getting your ass handed to you on a plate!

Funny you should mention the Volkl as it's high on my demo list. Looking for something with more flex. Do you have experience of it?


I also have two of the k90's. One is strung up with kirschbaum pro line 2 at 57 and the other is strung with bb alu rough at 55. I have played with the k90 for about a year now and i feel like it is limiting my game. I demoed a couple sticks this week to look for a replacement. If your prefer a more open string pattern that i say you should check out the head yt prestige pro. I found that i liked it much better than the k90. Also another sick you should try is the blx 6.1 95