Racquet suggestions - female so help me out please ;)


It's long but I'll literally love you and give you a bottle of something good if you help me out. I've been playing a while. It turned out that I played with a racket for kids - 240g unstrung. My level is - I can play long with my trainer/someone experienced if he/she doesn't want to destroy me. Intermediate. Many frame hits, missed balls, miss sweet spots. Not I'm scared of going to the net sometimes.
I'm looking for a proper racquet and strings. I think I need more power in my shots, my swing isn't fully developed. Racket can't take away my power because I don't generate it enough. I've been thinking about rackets from 270 g unstrung to 285 (and one 300). I also heard it's worth to change the strings right away. though of NXT strings or natural gut. any thoughts on this? (I never broke a racquet)
the rackets I thought of: 1. pure drive 300 g - probably will be too heavy. czyli 2. pure drive 107 - bigger head lighter? I'm lost, so many editions 3. babolat aero lite 270g unstrung. 4. head graphene touch radical s 280 unstrung.
I tested babolat pure drive lite and it was ok, better strings would probably help. it's stiff though (and found out pure drive 107 model) and head instinct lite! With both I felt ok, I didn't play enough to feel the difference aside from the stiffness. and then at new court i tested wilson 365 and different head - 270g. trainer noticed they were too light for me and basically it was true. They also felt DEAD to me. (captions on purpose). So now I'm like "ok, I need to try to go heavier maybe". I
Basically - I'm a baseline player whose shots aren't long enough and powerful enough so stupidly I often stand in the 3/4 of the court and don't have the precious second to hit the ball. once having to move on court (opponents want me to run a lot) I focus just to pass the ball sometimes but I love running ;) Any questions suggestions?


I would try one of these frames:
1. Yonex E Zone lite 285g
2. Volkl V Feel 8 285g
3. Wilson Clash 100
These 3 racquets have decent power and some comfort as well. The Babolats you are looking at in my opinion are more harsh on your arm.


I would try one of these frames:
1. Yonex E Zone lite 285g
2. Volkl V Feel 8 285g
3. Wilson Clash 100
These 3 racquets have decent power and some comfort as well. The Babolats you are looking at in my opinion are more harsh on your arm.
I 2nd these suggestions. My wife uses the EZONE 100 (which is very similar to the EZONE Lite). She’s a 3.5, and she loves the frame.

Although I’ve not used the Clash 100, I’ve heard good things about it.


Thank you! Would you change the strings right away or go with the one by the producer? (the fabrics can't be good because they have to string it for you, not at random)?


Hall of Fame
I'm looking for a proper racquet and strings. I think I need more power in my shots, my swing isn't fully developed. Racket can't take away my power because I don't generate it enough. I've been thinking about rackets from 270 g unstrung to 285 (and one 300). I also heard it's worth to change the strings right away. though of NXT strings or natural gut. any thoughts on this? (I never broke a racquet)
... ;) Any questions suggestions?
My recommendations:
1) Prince Textreme Tour 100L (close to 290g strung, only 63 RA); light, arm friendly and inexpensive!! Going for $69 on TW
2) Prince Textreme Warrior 107L pink (285g, 65 RA);
3) Volkl V1 MP; 300g, but this is like an arm-friendly pure drive:
4) Babolat Pure Aero Lite (285g; lot of power and spin!)

Steve Huff

If you don't want to spend a whole lot of money, I'd suggest trying the Head MG Radical OS. It's a little heavier than the specs you wanted, but its head light, and you'll probably have no trouble handling it. You can always pick out 4 rackets to demo from TW and they will send them to you to try. The only cost is the shipping.


Hall of Fame
Yonex ezone 100.

If “a bottle of something good” extends to a 15 year old Glenfarclas then i will take one of them please.


Hall of Fame
Thank you! Would you change the strings right away or go with the one by the producer? (the fabrics can't be good because they have to string it for you, not at random)?
I would recommend just getting it strung with synthetic gut (best durability & tension maintenance, fairly soft on the elbow) when you buy it and have it replaced every 3-4 months

fuzz nation

Very much agree with the recommendation by our pal graycrait for the Volkl V1 (y)

Starting with a multifiber like Wilson Sensation (16 gauge, not thinner 17) should be ideal for getting you going. That string should likely hold up nicely for you, but in case it seems to progressively soften too quickly for you, I'd consider trying a 16 ga. synthetic gut installed at perhaps a pound or two lower than the multifiber. That's assuming that the multi was okay in terms of firmness when it was fresh.

Syn. guts have a bit of a spectrum - some are softer and a few are a bit more firm. But these strings generally offer moderate softness (slightly less than typical multis) and syn. guts usually resist softening up as they're used compared with multifibers. Start with a multi and enjoy that string it it's "right". If not, then trying a syn. gut would be the smartest next step. Just don't let anybody talk you into trying a poly or poly hybrid.


natural gut strings right away is a bad choice?
If you are up to the cost and care of Nat Gut go for it. Klip, Babolat, Wilson, Luxilon are all good choices. I've never tried Volkl branded natty gut. Any string in a hot car trunk is a bad idea but especially for gut. Also playing in the rain is a no no. If you want to try some spendy string that will also treat your joints and arm right as you get better try Technifibre X-One BiPhase or Wilson NXT. I have several friends who are NXT fanboys. NXT at 20.00/set is still about half of what Lux, Wilson, Babolat natural gut costs. Hopefully you have someone local that has experience who can string your rackets.


Demo the lighter version of MP frames from Volkl or Pro Kennex if you are concerned about your arm or wrist. When you decide upon a frame, I would string it up with [1] synthetic gut like Bab SpiralTek (soft) or POSG (hard) or [2] multis like Head Velocity or FXP or [3] NG, all in 16 Ga. Ref tension for [1] and [2] at mid-range and NG at mid-range +3 or 4#..


If you are up to the cost and care of Nat Gut go for it. Klip, Babolat, Wilson, Luxilon are all good choices. I've never tried Volkl branded natty gut. Any string in a hot car trunk is a bad idea but especially for gut. Also playing in the rain is a no no. If you want to try some spendy string that will also treat your joints and arm right as you get better try Technifibre X-One BiPhase or Wilson NXT. I have several friends who are NXT fanboys. NXT at 20.00/set is still about half of what Lux, Wilson, Babolat natural gut costs. Hopefully you have someone local that has experience who can string your rackets.
What's the difference between NXT and natural gut for me, a weak player (I play a lot just badly.. it happens). what does natural gut gives me and what it doesn't (except for the thermobag) and the same goes for NXT?
Fuzz Nation Willson Sensation is similar to NXT?
Esgee48 They don't me to stay away from the spiraltek because it's put in every single fabrically strung babolat. were they wrong?


Hall of Fame
Honestly I think you’ll find just about anything in the 295-305 gram category to be so much better than a juniors racquet that you can go with anything.

the most important thing is proper fit so have a pro give you your grip size. I would suggest avoiding racquets with unusual string patterns so I would suggest any frame with a head size of 97-103 sq in.and a string pattern of 16 mains and 18,19 crosses.

beyond that I would simply caution you to avoid frames that are stiff and powerful as they have a tendency to hurt the elbow. Your power will be there as you get better hitting the ball and you will get better.

And don’t let anyone sell you polyester strings.


Thank you, people lose me when they recommend me rpm blast strings. Thank you, I'm not Rafa. Thank you, i didn't think about going heavier than 285.. I was playing with a junior 4 1/8 or 4 1/4 racquet and my wrist are really tiny. As babolats are stiff I should rule them out?
As well as oversized heads because I want to have a proper technique with a standard 100 sq head? strings pattern 16x19

fuzz nation

Thank you, people lose me when they recommend me rpm blast strings. Thank you, I'm not Rafa. Thank you, i didn't think about going heavier than 285.. I was playing with a junior 4 1/8 or 4 1/4 racquet and my wrist are really tiny. As babolats are stiff I should rule them out?
As well as oversized heads because I want to have a proper technique with a standard 100 sq head? strings pattern 16x19

Racquets that are technically "oversized" can be great depending on how they fit you. Something with a 102" or 104" hoop might give you a fit and performance that work better than a couple of 100" alternatives. For better or worse, the truth is in the demos.

Wilson Sensation costs around half as much as NXT and a couple other "premium" multis, but it's a terrific string as far as the multi world is concerned. NXT costs twice as much, but I can't say it's "twice as good" and I doubt that it will last you twice as long as Sensation. The multifiber I keep stocked for locals who need it is Prince Premier Control - a decent bang for the buck multi, but not necessarily better or worse than Sensation.

And goodonya concerning your objection to RPM Blast - I'm convinced that it's overpriced garbage.


@fuzz nation , If someone asks me to string their racket I generally use Prince Premier Control, by the reel it is not badly priced. I do have reels of Gosen OG Sheep Micro 16g and Gosen Proform Tuff 15L. I was goofing around with multis a couple months ago and a couple of folks think Wilson Sensation in the mains and Prince Premier Control in the crosses play well for them.

@liriel , I really think the 102" 16x19 Volkl is a great racket to learn and grow on. 102" is hardly an oversize racket. Although I do have 45 rackets that are 96" or smaller and those all weigh 330 - 380g:) The other 20+ rackets are 98" to 116", varying in weight from 255 to 365g. That reminds me, I need to get a 130" racket for funzies.


Esgee48 They don't me to stay away from the spiraltek because it's put in every single fabrically strung babolat. were they wrong?
Bab regular SG is not the same as Bab SpiralTek. SpiralTek is just as soft as the Head Velocity Multi and has better spin properties because it has a lower string-to-string COF. With SG, you get a wide range of hardness and slipperiness. With Multis, not so much. That is why I ranked the string types 1,2,3 and gave you some tension ranges.

Look at racquetfinder.com for racquets of the weight you want to demo.
Look at TWU String DB http://twu.tennis-warehouse.com/learning_center/reporter2.php


Sharapova endorses the HEAD.instinct line; several weights in that line that would fit a female player
Wilson.clash also has the clash.100L which hits firmer than its light weight would seem to suggest, but also try the w.clash.100
yonex has several lighter weights that are very popular with ladies
babolat.107 is also a very popular frame with mutis for ladies

the thicker the frame!, the more "free power", you should get, ladies seem to gravitate towards that a bit more, IME
"thin frame" racquets require more aggressive swings

I like what @graycrait suggested, Wilson.sensation strings!!,, "MULTIS", until you find the racquet you like,, this will help with arm shock


Hall of Fame
If we are giving string suggestions I’d like to repeat what some others here regarding Prince Premier Control. Really nice string. Just a perfect blend of power control and comfort.


Hall of Fame
Almost all racquets come in a variety of weights and stuff these days. I would suggest you simply look at frames in the 275-300 gram range. I would suggest demoing both oversized and mid plus sized frames. Both lighter frames and heavier frames. Have fun playing with a bunch of different types and buy one when you’re ready.


Ok, I'm definitely torn, a lot of demos ahead of me. I've noticed that 270g is way too light for me (and if possible not arm-friendly but maybe it's because of the babolat pure drive lite racquet).
So I'm looking into just suggestions, looking at those of you who suggested heavier.. Btw, I played for a few minutes with some random Dunlop 295 g and it felt great, definitely not too heavy. I felt I had power but I didn't overhit. The guy who owned the racquet told me though "now it feels good to play with it but after a match you'd definitely feel it"


;) Any questions suggestions?

Blade 104, Blade 104, Blade 104!

A lot of intermediate level female players hit amazing with a bit of extra length on the racket, but a low enough swing weight to be comfortable moving it. Also, a 104 head size will give you lots of forgiveness without sacrificing too much precision / control. 107 tends to be too big, and 100 tends to be too small.

Blade 104 is the absolute best. Problem solved. I like the CV version the most.

Now I will think about what bottle of something good I would like. :cool:



Someone said it's hard to manoeuvre with this one (but it was someone who sells rackets :p) because of the length. But yeah, tell me what strings to choose and then choose something else, a bottle.


Hall of Fame
Ok, I'm definitely torn, a lot of demos ahead of me. I've noticed that 270g is way too light for me (and if possible not arm-friendly but maybe it's because of the babolat pure drive lite racquet).
So I'm looking into just suggestions, looking at those of you who suggested heavier.. Btw, I played for a few minutes with some random Dunlop 295 g and it felt great, definitely not too heavy. I felt I had power but I didn't overhit. The guy who owned the racquet told me though "now it feels good to play with it but after a match you'd definitely feel it"
Yeah that’s the problem with demos. Using a racquet short term is not the same as owning it.
The most important variable for comfort aside from strings is the frame stiffness. Find one with an RA of 65 or less. Every change in that number is noticeable if you ask me even if you don’t notice it right away. But like the guy said you’ll notice it after a match.


Sharapova endorses the HEAD.instinct line; several weights in that line that would fit a female player
Wilson.clash also has the clash.100L which hits firmer than its light weight would seem to suggest, but also try the w.clash.100
yonex has several lighter weights that are very popular with ladies
babolat.107 is also a very popular frame with mutis for ladies

the thicker the frame!, the more "free power", you should get, ladies seem to gravitate towards that a bit more, IME
"thin frame" racquets require more aggressive swings

I like what @graycrait suggested, Wilson.sensation strings!!,, "MULTIS", until you find the racquet you like,, this will help with arm shock
I played Instinct Lite I liked it but it was too light. I thought about the Instinct S Reverse or the normal. 285 g. Your take?
Babolat Pure Drive 300 g was great, too stiff, probably too heavy long term but I liked playing it. How no opportunity to test aero pure drive lite :/
Wilson Sensation is the same type as NXT or not? All I now is to stay away from poly!
Oh and Wilson Blade 104 to whomever said - for sure 104 not 100? Won't this be racquet not too difficult for me? I'll be testing it this weekend! Keep your fingers crossed!
Edit: In one sentence this 15g heavier makes it head-light. What advantages does it give and what disadvantages?


I played Instinct Lite I liked it but it was too light. I thought about the Instinct S Reverse or the normal. 285 g. Your take?
Babolat Pure Drive 300 g was great,
too stiff, probably too heavy long term but I liked playing it. ...…...

you seem to be narrowing your preferrence
your going from a 240g kids raket to thinking that 285g is too light also,, (nothing wrong there, your arms are simply getting stronger and asking for more and more now),,
you might want to look in the 300g range of racquets
yonex has a few options in that range, you might wanna check them out as well..

Capt. Willie

Hall of Fame
I know I'm getting into this late but I'm a big fan of Volkl V1's. I personally prefer the original Classic version but they are all great racquets. I believe TW has the V-Sense V1 marked down right now. I suggest a multifilament string to go with it.


you seem to be narrowing your preferrence
your going from a 240g kids raket to thinking that 285g is too light also,, (nothing wrong there, your arms are simply getting stronger and asking for more and more now),,
you might want to look in the 300g range of racquets.
yonex has a few options in that range, you might wanna check them out as well..
270 is too light, 285 might be ok, 300 worked for me short term. I know I'll get used to it and I hate when I go to a shop and they say "nah, it's for players/club players, you need recreational". Volkl is less popular here but I'll take a look! All I know is that I want 100 or 104 frame no less. I played with a child's racquet thanks to my trainer who bought me the exact same weight racquet that I played with when I was like 10 which was almost 20 years ago! He wanted me not to overspend but also doesn't care since I asked his the same questions as you and he advised me to chose colours which I like the most!


….He wanted me not to overspend but also doesn't care since I asked his the same questions as you and he advised me to chose colours which I like the most!

this reason, I think its because of the many options out there
choosing a color is a starting point and you should start there to narrow the options,
another option to start with, could be racquet brand!, choose one and see what they have in the type of weight you have
you mentioned babolat earlier, look at the babolat.pure drive.107,,

btw, very important,, enjoy the process of choosing your next racquet
its overwhelming with the many options, but this is a well worth search.. enjoy the hunt!!


thank you! I thought I was going crazy, so many choices! I should have asked about something very important - FORGIVENESS outside the sweet spot. I'd love if all the Wilson/Babolat fans could advise me because it's often my concern and my most deadly shots came when I hit it wrong and the ball lands just 1 inches in the opponent's court. Life's unfair (for them) but well..