Talk Tennis Guru
Yeah the knee problem thing is probably most baffling thing to understand when Nadal's career and his history with injuries is in question. In many of the old YouTube videos you see him with a patch under his knees, in the first part of his career he took many off clay injury breaks because of the knee, many of his doctors and other team members were telling us constantly that the situation with the knee is really bad, chronic and pretty much incurable, many other experts, pundits, fans were speculating that because of the bad knee he will not last longer than 26, of course Nadal himself didn't shied off in every opportunity he had from telling us about the difficulty living with the chronic knee injury, the daily pain he is feeling in his knee and how scared he has been about his future living with a bad knee, and nobody was mentioning the fricking birth foot problem back then it was all about the knee, the knee, the knee. So what happened with the knee exactly. It's 2023 and we haven't heard about the chronic knee problem for almost 10 years now. So the problem must be solved, right? Right?
Hi, Djoko fanatic aka Rafa basher! I wrote in one of my previous posts (# 116):
¤¤ 1) Rafa underwent PRP treatment on his knees in 2010 (in April & July) and stem cell treatment on his left knee at the end of 2013.¤¤
I wonder why this is not understandable to you?