Rank the Masters in order of prestige


IW & Miami (slam BO3) are Master 1500

Rome (the history) is Master 1200 or 1300

Cincinnati & Canada (US Open warm up) are Master 1000

Monte Carlo & Madrid are Master .. 750 :D

Paris is a Master ... 500 :(


IW & Miami (slam BO3) are Master 1500

Rome (the history) is Master 1200 or 1300

Cincinnati & Canada (US Open warm up) are Master 1000

Monte Carlo & Madrid are Master .. 750 :D

Paris is a Master ... 500 :(

Monte Carlo has more history than Rome believe it or not! It actually goes back to the 19th Century while Rome began in 1930 IIRC! :rolleyes: :p ;)
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Monte Carlo has more history than Rome believe it or not! It actually goes back to the 19th Century whole Rome began in 1930 IIRC! :rolleyes: :p ;)
Interesting post.
The two major no-slam tournaments have a different story.
1) Pre War I: Monte Carlo has some big winners (Wilding and Doherty Bros. 2), Rome don't exist.
2) Pre War I- late 70s: Monte Carlo falls into disrepair while Rome is a great tournament, almost comparable to the RG in the 70s.
3) Equation between the two tournaments.

- Monte Carlo has an older history in Rome, as you rightly pointed out.
- Rome has a much higher peak recognized also in the USA but above all in Europe it was considered very close to two European slams.
- Monte Carlo now suffers a little because he is not oblivious. Or at least I think.

I also think it is very important that to Rome always played the women's tournament with champion winners who made the story.
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Canada below Shanghai? Really? That tourney just north of "The States" has a lot of history going back to when it was played on clay; Laver, Nastase, & Borg are winners! It actually goes back to the 19th century whereas Shanghai's new, more mercenary by just offering more money to hold a Masters event, and players usual spent by this time of the season! ;-(
Did I really put Canada under Shanghai? Ok, I will edit that. I did not realize.


Interesting post.
The two major no-slam tournaments have a different story.
1) Pre War I: Monte Carlo has some big winners (Wilding and Doherty Bros. 2), Rome don't exist.
2) Pre War I- late 70s: Monte Carlo falls into disrepair while Rome is a great tournament, almost comparable to the RG in the 70s.
3) Equation between the two tournaments.

- Monte Carlo has an older history in Rome, as you rightly pointed out.
- Rome has a much higher peak recognized also in the USA but above all in Europe it was considered very close to two European slams.
- Monte Carlo now suffers a little because he is not oblivious. Or at least I think.

I also think it is very important that to Rome always played the women's tournament with champion winners who made the story.

Well if I think of a woman's champion, I have to bring up Manuela Maleeva in Rome back in 1984! There had been rain delays I guess and to finish up the tournament on time, she had to wrap up her QF match from the previous day, win the SF, and overcome Chris Evert Lloyd in the final all in one day! Evert won her SF handily so she can't say she was tired in comparison to Manuela! That's usually something I had to deal with back in "juniors!" I still can't believe they even asked them to do it much less occur that way! Karma though! :rolleyes: :p ;)
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I know some people think prestige means history but when your facility, attendance and money isn't there you're not very prestigious.

Indian Wells has the 2nd biggest stadium on the Masters circuit, wonderful accommodations, well attended and major competition. It's #1.

The worst is a battle between Canada & Madrid. Montreal significantly better than Toronto but still subpar for 1000 ranking points. But given better turnout and competition than Madrid it goes above. Paris often suffers for being so late in the year and recently a lot of lesser players winning it but facility is quite good.

1. Indian Wells
2. Miami
3. Rome
4. Cincinnati
5. Shanghai
6. Monte Carlo
7. Paris
8. Canada
9. Madrid

Slight alteration since I attended Miami and Cincy this past year.

1. Indian Wells
2. Rome
3. Cincinnati
4. Miami
5. Monte Carlo
6. Shanghai
7. Canada
8. Paris
9. Madrid

Paris just can't be legitimate anymore with Sock & Khachanov as well with so many skips. Fed vs. Novak made it seem like a bounce back but Roger will skip it this year so it'll be Novak show again.

I looked over lists again and let me tell you Canada is getting too much love because Toronto might be the worst venue and a complete ripoff with tickets. Last 6 years you have constant giveaways and half empty stadiums except for men's quarters-final. Corporate buyouts inflate attendance.

Montreal half the time can't carry that much weight to go ahead of Shanghai and definetly not MC or Cincinnati.
miami is the worst now after the venue change. playing in the parking lot and a football stadium is embarrassing.

time to cancel miami and instead add a grass masters (finally).