Raquet Suggestions


New User
Hi guys,

I am am relatively new around these forums, but I am in the market for a new tennis raquet. I had been using raquets my brother had laying around; however, I am ready to invest in a high quality raquet. What I had been using was the HEAD Monster MicroGel - 102 sq inch.

I was looking for some suggestions on some decent raquets. I am looking for a raquet with a 100-102 sq inch, 27 inch length. I was looking at the HEAD Graphene Instinct MP raquet, but when I was researching the raquet, I learned of some stability issues with the raquet. I did like the feel of the raquet when I was holding it.

If there's any questions you guys want to ask, go ahead so I can help possibly narrow down a few raquets.


Talk Tennis Guru
Looking at your current racquet of choice, you might want to try the Head Extreme line as well. Seems pretty similar in terms of specs, but should be more solid overall. If you liked the feel of the Instinct MP then take a look at the Extreme MP (Pro might be a bit too much). Another option is the Aero Pro Drive. If these racquets are too powerful for you when you test them, then the Head Speed MP should be the way to go.