Goofing off when playing dubs with my daughters, on the first point receiving, me and my partner would both stand in the deuce side. My daughters said you can't do that. I explained technically we can stand wherever we want just as long as the same person returns the ball when served to the deuce side and the other person returns from the ad side.
This also reminds me of my buddy who will imagine he is Fed and stand 2 feet from the service line when returning. SABR in action.
Similar if a dubs team takes the I-formation in rec dubs. People get all confused.
It's amazing how little things can get in your head and distract you. But often it screws up everyone's rhythm even the person in the non-traditional position.
This also reminds me of my buddy who will imagine he is Fed and stand 2 feet from the service line when returning. SABR in action.
Similar if a dubs team takes the I-formation in rec dubs. People get all confused.
It's amazing how little things can get in your head and distract you. But often it screws up everyone's rhythm even the person in the non-traditional position.