Receiving Serve - Hit the right side of the incoming ball?


New User
I am righty, we are playing doubles and I am receiving serve on the duece side. The ball comes to my forehand and I want to return it back to the servers side (keeping it well away from the net guy) and angle the ball just over the net in hopes of hitting just over the net and near the sidelines. Do you just aim by angling your racquet and punching through the ball taking power off in hopes of it dropping or do you consciously think hit the right side of the ball with heavy topspin?


Hall of Fame
The ball is coming right at you diagonally, and presumably, you are standing slightly an an angle to receive the serve. So if you hit the ball "straight" along the diagonoal of the serve, won't it go right back to the server with no change direction?

If you wanted to go down the line, for example from the the ad side, I would think of hitting the outside of the ball to change direction


Hall of Fame
yeah, if you aimed to hit on the right side of the ball, you would be hitting cross court return, back to the server.

I have heard that analogy from a coach as well.

I conciously have to keep in mind and aim my returns crosscourt in doubles.