Recent Video of me hitting

In the past I posted a video on here asking for some advice. I had been taking lessons and working hard, since. I also mentioned it is my future goal to play college tennis at D3 or D2 school. Well, that goal has been becoming a reality as a few schools have accepted me now.
The video is hard to see because I took it all off of my iPhone 4S...I'll work on getting better ones, I guess.
Comments, tips, instructions, advice, compliments all accepted and encouraged. Thanks.


Talk Tennis Guru
Well, I think you have potential, but I would not send these videos to any college you seriously wanted to attend.

I saw some good strokes and footwork, that show you have the skills, but the ralleys were inconsistant and mixed with lots of flubbed shots.

Get someone with photography and editing skills and maybe a partner who can work with you, to keep the ball in play, to help you create a better demo.

I have to admit that I did not watch all 3 videos, but I do like that you can go from a 2 to a 1-handed backhand- though you did not really show this off as well as you should have in the parts I saw.


Hall of Fame
You should shoot the video on your iPhone in landscape rather than portrait, meaning put the phone horizontal rather than upright when recording.

The three links are the same, by the way... haha.

I actually like that your video is neither edited nor selective of only your best "3-minute performance". It contains shanks and poor hits, which everyone makes once in a while -- it's more honest and representative of your performance. The only thing I'd like to see more from the video is where your shots are going. Of course, you probably shouldn't send this video to schools, but for the purpose of posting on TW it's fine.

From what I can tell from this (limited) video, your topspin forehands and backhands look pretty solid, and I like your serves (as relaxed as you were in the video). You look natural. One thing I'll comment on is your slice backhand, which I think you could drive through the ball a bit more to: 1. put heavier spin, and 2. keep the ball lower.

Best of luck with your tennis goals in college!


New User
Hi, My name is Aviram, Itf level 2 coach .
I think your not far from college level, from what I can tell in the video.
Your forehand and Bh could improve if your follow through will be complete, that will give you more power.
now from what I'v seen your follow through are a bit short .
Your serve Is great, don't need to change anything about it .
I even think its quite beautiful .
Your slice is like the others said above me, too hard, you need to be more relaxed on the slice, let the racquet do the job a bit more .
The video is terrible, you need to get a good camera and video from a high and clear angle .
good luck .


Hall of Fame
In the past I posted a video on here asking for some advice. I had been taking lessons and working hard, since. I also mentioned it is my future goal to play college tennis at D3 or D2 school. Well, that goal has been becoming a reality as a few schools have accepted me now.
The video is hard to see because I took it all off of my iPhone 4S...I'll work on getting better ones, I guess.
Comments, tips, instructions, advice, compliments all accepted and encouraged. Thanks.
If you can, please make some videos from the behind yourself perspective, as I think it is the most enjoyable and informative to watch. Then we can see the trajectory of your shots and where they land in the far court, and can have a better idea of their effectiveness.

From the vids you provided so far your strokes look good, clean, but not on a par with what I've seen of professional players. Just my current opinion, and anyway I'm not qualified to judge or comment. But I did enjoy the vids and hope you will post some more from a better perspective.


Would you like to tell us what differences you see between pro's and the OP?
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Hall of Fame
From the vids you provided so far your strokes look good, clean, but not on a par with what I've seen of professional players.

Would you like to tell us what differences you see between pro's and the OP?
The footwork, the racquet preparation, and the follow through.

Of course, my impressions are just subjective. But, so far, the OP's stuff just doesn't seem quite optimal, although not bad and probably much more consistent and effective than anything I can do.
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The footwork, the racquet preparation, and the follow through.

Of course, my impressions are just subjective. But, so far, the OP's stuff just doesn't seem quite optimal, although not bad and probably much more consistent and effective than anything I can do.

I think I know what you mean. I noticed some good forehands and backhands. But sometimes it seems that on the OP's forehand his arms leads the body instead of the body leading the arms.

I think that the follow through is a result of the swing and should not be main goal. Some forehands he hit with a nice follow through were, in my opinion, led by active body weightshift/rotation and the arm follow throughed naturally. What do you think?


I like the height of the ball, you will learn faster this way.
Don't come in cross court, a bad habit at your level.


I think I know what you mean. I noticed some good forehands and backhands. But sometimes it seems that on the OP's forehand his arms leads the body instead of the body leading the arms.

I think that the follow through is a result of the swing and should not be main goal. Some forehands he hit with a nice follow through were, in my opinion, led by active body weightshift/rotation and the arm follow throughed naturally. What do you think?

I think this is a result of racket being too light, so he has to guide it.

Mike did you try heavier rackets? Because technique wise it looks like you are prime for an upgrade in swing weight.


Hall of Fame
I think I know what you mean. I noticed some good forehands and backhands. But sometimes it seems that on the OP's forehand his arms leads the body instead of the body leading the arms.

I think that the follow through is a result of the swing and should not be main goal. Some forehands he hit with a nice follow through were, in my opinion, led by active body weightshift/rotation and the arm followed through naturally. What do you think?
I agree. Many, maybe most, shots had nice follow through. He seemed to be striking most shots pretty cleanly, but it's just that something about his technique doesn't seem quite optimal to me. I'm not skilled or knowledgeable enough to articulate what that is. And, of course, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's just a matter of taste or style.

The only thing I'm sure about is that the OP should make the next batch of vids with a better camera perspective, either from in front or behind, and about head height or a little higher if possible.
Hey guys, I appreciate all the comments!

I am using the 2009 Pure Storm 95 with full bodied RPM blast.
I haven't considered going up in weight on my racket. Opinions on that?

I am in the process of


Stop worrying about the equipment, make another video with someone who can handle your pace. At around 1:30 there were four points in a row which were at most 2 hits total.

As a more important tip, if you want to show schools anything, show them REAL intensity. I emphasize real for a reason. When lots of you juniors make these recruiting videos, more often than not, the footwork is absurdly overdone. Hopping around, sprinting to every single shot, or in plain English, wasting energy in an effort to look better. You, however, don't have enough intensity. You let many shorter balls bounce twice. Go in and get them or approach, or do something, but do not let a ball that lands on the service line bounce twice when you're standing on the baseline. Any recruiter will assume you have good strokes if you want to play tennis in school. It's whether or not what they're seeing is a. real and b. good, that makes the difference. A


Hey guys, I appreciate all the comments!

I am using the 2009 Pure Storm 95 with full bodied RPM blast.
I haven't considered going up in weight on my racket. Opinions on that?

I am in the process of

Hmm, that racket is not that light, you sure you got the 95?

This one?

If it is then I'd just add a bit of lead at 3, 9 and 12. Also try to relax the forearm and the wrist when hitting, it feels like throwing the racket without letting go.
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