Recommend syn gut crosses with Babolat Gut


New User

I've been using Babolat VS gut 16g mains with poly 17g crosses on my Wilson Tour 90s (ncode, black blx, white blx) strung in the low to mid 50s. The poly out-lasts the gut (which break after 25-30 doubles sessions). I would to try a synthetic gut inside of poly on the crosses. Can you recommend a syn gut that would outlast the gut?



Hall of Fame
No sg will outlast gut. I think you would be downgrading performance if you switched to sg crosses. I think the only reason to do that switch would be if the poly bothers your arm.


Even though you may not break the poly, it poly does not outlast the gut. The limiting factor of playability declines due to the poly. I agree syn gut is a big step down. But if you feel the need to experiment (which I definetely understand), you might try Prince Original Syn Gut because it is smooth.


Agree with the others, I would not use syngut as cross.
Check out Ashaway Zyex monogut. Great string as cross, lasting with good tension maintenance, smooth like poly but kinder on the arm.


I have N.Vy in one of my first racquets full bed, its still fine looking,probably dead,but looks fine with the eye.(Its 4 years old or so and has alot of hours in it)
Was in a 105 babolat racquet so not a dense pattern either.
For comparison i break sensation 16 quite often and head rip control only lasted a few hours.
Also worth to mention is that i dont break poly often,but i restring probaly within 10-15 hours mostly,due to experimenting or a multi in a hybrid that breaks.


New User
No sg will outlast gut. I think you would be downgrading performance if you switched to sg crosses. I think the only reason to do that switch would be if the poly bothers your arm.

I've used the gut/poly setup for 3+ years and it didn't seem to bother my arm. I got tennis elbow several weeks ago, and it's getting much better (almost gone). The TE could be due to hitting too many sliced backhands, or aggravated by work (on the computer) and not the poly.


New User
Do you break strings much?

No I don't, my strings last 25-30 sessions (mostly doubles), with the gut mains always breaking. I know that a syn gut in the crosses would be a softer feel (as I have some lingering tennis elbow now). I've tried multi's on the crosses a few years ago, and the gut cut thru them rather quickly.


New User
Even though you may not break the poly, it poly does not outlast the gut. The limiting factor of playability declines due to the poly. I agree syn gut is a big step down. But if you feel the need to experiment (which I definetely understand), you might try Prince Original Syn Gut because it is smooth.

The step down would be in less spin/control? Remember, I am using Babolat VS Gut on the mains. Some stringers tell me the mains are responsible for 80% of the performance.


In my experience, the only advantage you gain from switching out your poly crosses for syn gut crosses will be more pop.

All other areas, it is a losing battle. the poly crosses with gut mains will have better directional control and better spin.

Find a softer more comfortable poly for your crosses. I'm interested in trying Ashaway ZX monogut in the crosses..... gets great reviews.


In my experience, yes: less spin, less control, more power, more notching, more stickiness and friction between mains and crosses. The beauty of the gut mains and (smooth) poly hybrid is the way they compliment each other. Since you are not a string breaker you'll be hard pressed to find a nicer feeling and sounding string bed. You might try a thinner gauge poly 18g or even 19g to see how that works.


I'm interested in trying Ashaway ZX monogut in the crosses..... gets great reviews.

I have a pack of this I have been wanting to try too, let's compare notes. Per the advice here, I plan to string it like a full bed of gut, 58-60 pounds for mains and crosses.


Hall of Fame
No I don't, my strings last 25-30 sessions (mostly doubles), with the gut mains always breaking. I know that a syn gut in the crosses would be a softer feel (as I have some lingering tennis elbow now). I've tried multi's on the crosses a few years ago, and the gut cut thru them rather quickly.

If breaking the strings too quickly isn't an issue, my recommendation would be to go with a full bed of natural gut.


No I don't, my strings last 25-30 sessions (mostly doubles), with the gut mains always breaking. I know that a syn gut in the crosses would be a softer feel (as I have some lingering tennis elbow now). I've tried multi's on the crosses a few years ago, and the gut cut thru them rather quickly.

The gut will cut through synthetic gut even faster and the playability will be even worse. Try putting Ashaway Monogut ZX or Pro's Pro Red Devil in the crosses. It will play like your gut/poly hybrid, but will be much softer. It will also play better than a gut/synthetic gut hybrid and will last longer.