I'm late responding to your post, but I suspect you are going to have the same durability issues with any non-poly cross string you use with Ultra Cable. Ultra Cable has sharp edges, and it's going to really dig into any softer cross string. If you are truly wanting a setup where you want the mains to be able to slide against the crosses, then a round poly main with a synthetic gut cross string would be best (or something like RPM blast rough that is sided but they are not sharp edges and have a coating that allows for the string to slide more easily). If you are wanting to stick with a sharp edged poly for the mains, then you just have to live with the downside, which is the lower durability (unless you choose to pair it with a poly cross string, but that may not have the feel you are wanting).
All the strings I have been testing - for that reason - are smooth Polys. I rated about 10 of the best regarded smooth Polys for comfort, control, power, and spin. Here is what I have so far:
Ratings for: comfort/control/power/spin
• 2 Kirschbaum Pro Line EVO - 8/9/7:9 - 33
soft comfortable resilient flexible elastic lively explosive springy stiff wire-like solid crispy precise rough innovative unique
Good all-around
Blue version of the Pro Line No. II. Plays like: Yonex Poly Tour Pro 125 or softer Babolat RPM Blast
• 25 MSV Co-Focus 17L (1.18) - 8/7/8/8 - 31
soft comfortable resilient flexible elastic lively explosive stretchy spongy springy stiff wire-like solid crispy precise dull sluggish boring rough innovative unique
Good all-around
Plays like: softer Signum Pro Poly Plasma 1.23
• 6 Weiss CANNON Silverstring 17 - 8/9/8/8 - 33
soft comfortable resilient flexible elastic lively explosive stretchy spongy springy stiff wire-like solid crispy precise dull sluggish boring rough innovative unique
Good all-around
Plays like: softer Luxilon Alu Power 16L and BB Ace 18; Yonex Poly Tour Pro 125
• 3 Mayami Hit Pro 1.25
soft comfortable resilient flexible elastic lively explosive stretchy springy solid crispy precise innovative unique
Good all-around
Plays like: Yonex Poly Tour Pro 125 w/ better control & comfort
ISOSPEED Touch Poly V18 String (1.12)
soft comfortable resilient flexible elastic lively explosive stretchy springy solid crispy precise rough innovative unique
Plays like: Luxilon Big Banger Ace 18
Yonex Pro Tour FIRE 17 - 3/8/3/8 = 22?
comfortable solid crispy precise dull
Wilson REVOLVE 17 - 7/9/6/9 = 31
soft comfortable flexible elastic lively explosive stiff solid precise rough
Tecnifibre Ice Code White 18 - 7/9/6/8 = 30
15 Luxilon ACE 18 - 7/8/5/8 = 28
Kirschbaum Pro Line II 18L (1.15) Red - 6/9/5/7 = 27
Luxilon ALU Power 125 - 6/8/3/5 = 24
Luxilon ALU Power 115 - 2/7/4/7 = 20
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