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Which Racquet Will I Go With?

  • Prince Diablo MID (93)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Prince Original Graphite Mid (93)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilson nCode nSix-One 95

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Hall of Fame
I put this post up before ("Which Racquet Will I Choose") but in my three poll options I put Prince Diablo Midplus and I should have put MID :x .

Please vote one more time.

I've been demoing the Prince Diablo Mid, Prince Diablo Midplus, Volkl Tour 10 V-Engine Midplus, and the Yonex RDX-500 Midplus for about 5 days now with the Diablo Mid rising to the top of the heap (by a large margin).

It's practically like my POG mid with a more solid feel, better pop on serves/forehands, better control, and less spin potential.

{some of the above may be atributed to my POG being strung with Luxilon Big Banger ALU Power 16L and the demo with Prince Synthetic Gut w/ well as difference in string tension}

A buddy of mine wanted me to order him two demos (Shark and NXG) and said I could order me two and put them on his bill. I decided to order the Wilson nCode nSix-One 95 and the Diablo mid again (so I can compare both to my POG mid). {the demos should be to me around October 8th}

As a preliminary activity to this, I've decided to take a poll so I can see what your thoughts are on the outcome of this last demo session (at least for the year).

With which racquet do you think I'll end up buying/using next?



I still think you should try the Yonex RDX500 MID. Lots of people on the board say even though its a 90 it feels like a 95. I play with the POG mid and got to hit with the yonex, pretty nice considering i hit with it only for a few min haha. Im going to demo it though...we'll see how it all plays out


Well, I demoed the POG Mid and the Prince Tour Diablo Mid myself a couple of weeks back.

Here is what I think... The POG Mid was able to generate more spin, but that wasn't much of a factor for me because I use a western grip. Comparing the two, I thought the Tour Diablo was a more solid racquet, overall. Serving was much better with the Diablo, I think; the racquet is also amazing at net... I didn't really enjoy the POG at net. It was much better for swinging through the ball with 16 mains while the 14main POG imparted too much spin so none of my shots went deep. I'm not sure about you, but if I had 14 mains, I'd be breaking them on a weekly basis with only playing twice a day, lol... so that'd a definite no.

Another reason to get it is because I play with it :D


Hall of Fame
Second the RDX 500 Mid suggestion...plays w/a big sweetspot, easy to swing, solid thwack on hits, volleys well, handles off-center shots w/out getting harsh...I've hit w/everything you're considering except the POG, and chose the Yonex RDX 500 mid over the Diablo and nCode 95.

Alley Cat

Volkl T10VE MP (or mid for that matter) would have been my vote if it was an option. Or the LM Prestige MP.

You asked for opinions.......I demo'd all of these racquets during the past year and the Diablos were by far my least favorite. No power, board like feel, no stability. A good example of "to each their own". You've got to go with what feels right for you, not what others vote for. A gun to my head.....go with the Wilson.


Hall of Fame
Tennis Guy,

When I get to 100 post as TripleB, I'm going back to being just plain Benjamin :D


I may give the RDX500 Mid a try....I already know how much I love the Diablo Mid and maybe instead of ordering it to demo again (beside the nSix-One 95), I'll just cancel it and add the RDX500 Mid.


I agree with you on all counts. I just got finished demoing the Diablo Mid (as well as the Diablo Midplus, Volkl Tour 10 VEMP, and RDX500 MP) and love the racquet. Much more solid on serves and volleys (two of my weak areas with the POG mid). Have played 3 sets of singles and 5 sets of doubles with it the last three days and it has performed incredible!!!


I'm currently demoing the Volkl Tour 10 VEMP and I think the two things that turned me off to it (although it was my second favorite of the bunch) was the "plush" feel (a little too plush after playing with the POG mid for so long) and the handle shape (it just doesn't feel good after playing with the boxy feel of the POG). I guess I love the Diablo Mid so much because it is so much like my POG mid except it gives me a better serve and better net play (my two weakest areas).


I'll take a look.


FYI: I'm about 96.67676767% sure I will not be staying with the Prince Original Graphite Mid - I've played ALOT of tennis over the past week with the Diablo Mid and it's just incredible. I've already decided (96.67676767% sure anyway) to order the Diablo mid if the nCode nSix-One 95 (or possibly the RDX500 Mid) doesn't beat it out in my next round of demoing (to be held in two weeks).