Reel Thoughts for Stringers



I'm looking at reel of Max Power Rough and if I only get one, what gauge do I go with. I'm usually partial to 1.25 but I'm thinking I may have more scenarios to use the 16g more than the 1.25.

[I extend the topic of this thread to the same question for any string / gauge combo w<where investing in the first reel is the inquiry under examination. :love: .]

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Answer for me depended on who I string for. I have 2 classes of clients. Recreational players use natural or white SG either in 16 or 17 Ga that I carry. I have no issues using strings provided by clients tho they get a spiel. String breakers have to provide their own strings or reels for me to store or when they provide the frames. If I store their stuff, I am confident the string will survive the stringing process. When they store the stuff in their car trunks, not so much. I limit the number of people I will string for. So at any time, I will have multi reels or packs of strings; but I only own my SG. The rest are labeled as to who owns it. I track the owners usage and report on it with every job.

To answer your question regarding 1.25mm or 1.30mm, who is the main client and likely to use the string? I know I will use up my SG.


I always start with 1.25mm poly reels unless it is VCT which should only be sold in 1.30mm ;)

99% of my clients (who use a poly other than VCT) want 1.25mm polys.

If I am stringing a Wilson Steam 99S Frame or another Wilson "Spin Effect" frame, you bet I am using 1.30mm or 1.35mm poly mains and a slick poly cross because those frames eat strings like a starving animal.


If you're not stocking strings, then get what YOU play with. If you string for buddies
and it doesn't work out, they can provide their own string next go round.

I keep some string around, but my more discerning, better player/friends provide their own (often TF, etc).

For a general reel of some rec player strings, I'd go with 16g so when they hit rocks with it it'll last one more swing.


Definitely recommend getting strings that you would use personally. From my experience, most of my customers will use my inventory as they're not picky with strings. Generally they will let me know what they're looking for in a string (control, spin, comfort, etc) so having variety in your inventory helps a lot.

As LocNetMonster said, customers generally want durability in a poly so the 16g would be better. Me personally, I would prefer the 17g because durability wouldn't be an issue for me and it's slightly better on my arm.


Hall of Fame
Long story short. One of my older sisters friends’ husband passed away about three months ago, she’s just now going through most all the things he had. There’s a Gamma 6004, and an ungodly amount of fairly new purchased reels of strings (a lot of these string reels purchased within the last year from what she said). No idea ‘til I get there this afternoon as to what she has. She did mention Wilson, Dunlop, Gamma, Tourna, some stuff called Volkswagen or something (insert Volkl here). Might be the motherlode who knows. I’ll post a pic up if I buy anything.
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Hall of Fame
Is it just me, or what? I go on the websites and do side by side analysis (for example Kirshbaum... or Solinco) and I do the math for getting 17 39 foot string jobs out of a 660 foot reel and the cost per string job is usually about one whole dollar less than just buying individual sets.

Given the chances that many reels do not get finished because we are not full time stringers, or we fall in love with the latest greatest string,
how does this make any sense financially?

Or, oh wait, it's tennis, NOTHING about tennis makes any sense financially........


Is it just me, or what? I go on the websites and do side by side analysis (for example Kirshbaum... or Solinco) and I do the math for getting 17 39 foot string jobs out of a 660 foot reel and the cost per string job is usually about one whole dollar less than just buying individual sets.

Given the chances that many reels do not get finished because we are not full time stringers, or we fall in love with the latest greatest string,
how does this make any sense financially?

Or, oh wait, it's tennis, NOTHING about tennis makes any sense financially........

my .02 is only Isospeed Cream is the same price reel or sets. Velocity used to be cheaper by the set when sold at $4.97 a pack. I buy by reels mostly and find my reel price substantially cheaper than 18 packs of sets except of Isospped Cream.

You're going to the wrong websites. :cool:


Hall of Fame
Long story short. One of my older sisters friends’ husband passed away about three months ago, she’s just now going through most all the things he had. There’s a Gamma 6004, and an ungodly amount of fairly new purchased reels of strings (a lot of these string reels purchased within the last year from what she said). No idea ‘til I get there this afternoon as to what she has. She did mention Wilson, Dunlop, Gamma, Tourna, some stuff called Volkswagen or something (insert Volkl here). Might be the motherlode who knows. I’ll post a pic up if I buy anything.
Update to my previous post…

Finally met the lady at her house today after work. Gamma 6004 2-pt mount machine w/Gamma cover is spoken for (her BIL is picking it up this coming weekend). Machine looked like it just came off the showroom floor...not a scratch on it.

Deal was she wanted to sell all of the 16G in one shot. There were some more expensive reels by mfg’r (Tecnifibre, Solinco, etc) of 17G and a couple of 18G but the BIL wanted those as well.

The 16G I bought is all Syn Gut and Poly. May not be the most go-getter, sought after string on the planet, but I’ll take it all for $200:

Wilson Syn Gut Power 16G…White, Black, Yellow, Red
Gamma Syn Gut w/Wearguard 16G…White, Black
Volkl Classic Syn Gut 16G…White, Black
Tourna Syn Gut Armor 16G…White, Black
Tourna Premium Poly 16G…White, Black, Yellow, Green

She says there’s more string around, just boxed up, and she’ll give me a call when she digs it out.

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Update to my previous post…

Finally met the lady at her house today after work. Gamma 6004 2-pt mount machine w/Gamma cover is spoken for (her BIL is picking it up this coming weekend). Machine looked like it just came off the showroom floor...not a scratch on it.

Deal was she wanted to sell all of the 16G in one shot. There were some more expensive reels by mfg’r (Tecnifibre, Solinco, etc) of 17G and a couple of 18G but the BIL wanted those as well.

The 16G I bought is all Syn Gut and Poly. May not be the most go-getter, sought after string on the planet, but I’ll take it all for $200:

Wilson Syn Gut Power 16G…White, Black, Yellow, Red
Gamma Syn Gut w/Wearguard 16G…White, Black
Volkl Classic Syn Gut 16G…White, Black
Tourna Syn Gut Armor 16G…White, Black
Tourna Premium Poly 16G…White, Black, Yellow, Green

She says there’s more string around, just boxed up, and she’ll give me a call when she digs it out.

That’s a helluva lot of string.


The 16G I bought is all Syn Gut and Poly. May not be the most go-getter, sought after string on the planet, but I’ll take it all for $200:

Wilson Syn Gut Power 16G…White, Black, Yellow, Red
Gamma Syn Gut w/Wearguard 16G…White, Black
Volkl Classic Syn Gut 16G…White, Black
Tourna Syn Gut Armor 16G…White, Black
Tourna Premium Poly 16G…White, Black, Yellow, Green

That's a lot of string for $200 clams. Looks like you won't have to buy string for ... well, forever. Kudos.


Update to my previous post…

Finally met the lady at her house today after work. Gamma 6004 2-pt mount machine w/Gamma cover is spoken for (her BIL is picking it up this coming weekend). Machine looked like it just came off the showroom floor...not a scratch on it.

Deal was she wanted to sell all of the 16G in one shot. There were some more expensive reels by mfg’r (Tecnifibre, Solinco, etc) of 17G and a couple of 18G but the BIL wanted those as well.

The 16G I bought is all Syn Gut and Poly. May not be the most go-getter, sought after string on the planet, but I’ll take it all for $200:

Wilson Syn Gut Power 16G…White, Black, Yellow, Red
Gamma Syn Gut w/Wearguard 16G…White, Black
Volkl Classic Syn Gut 16G…White, Black
Tourna Syn Gut Armor 16G…White, Black
Tourna Premium Poly 16G…White, Black, Yellow, Green

She says there’s more string around, just boxed up, and she’ll give me a call when she digs it out.

Let me know if you would be willing to sell some of the Wilson Synthetic gut reels to me. ;)


The other thing is the intended use for the string. If I am buying it to use as a cross (round) for one of my pals I will go thinner (17G) but if it is an advanced tournament teenager who will be using it in a full bed I will go 16L (i.e. 4G, 4GS). If it is a shaped poly I will go thicker as it will be going in the mains or a full bed. I may back that shaped poly with a couple of packets of the same string in a thinner gauge if I expect a few requests to mix gauges of the same string for the racquet of a particular player.

However, I have very few sets anymore other than Gut, Velocity (as noted earlier), Cream, and a variety of Duraflex Colors for friends that want to have fun with that.


Hall of Fame
Piddling around in my shop Monday…getting rid of a few things, doing some rearranging and going through some scrap lumber, etc and decided to put to use a little less than half a sheet of 1/2“ white birch. Plenty to build a reel stand with, so that’s what I burned a couple of hours doing. Have several pieces of 3/8” all-thread and tons of hardware so didn’t have to make a run for anything. 36” tall x 30” wide x 10” deep (picture distorts it a little, of course it’s absolutely square). Little bottom area to throw string sets, etc in. Bottom area will also hold three reels stacked on each other and not extend above the wall height. I may put some 1x4 or 1x6 feet on it front to rear on the outer edges and mount some 2” or 3” locking casters all the way around. I’ll throw a coat or two of paint on it and call it done. It’ll hold plenty of future purchased reels…will prob designate each all-thread rod by 16, 17, 18 gauge.

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on the thread topic ...

I just picked up a reel of Kirschbaum Max Power Rough 1.25 mm while it was on the cheap.

I'm liking it as a cross with NG or high-end multis as a Faux / Poor Man's Champions Choice.

I already had several sets of the smooth and rough KMP, in all gauges, but for now this is Goldilocks, and reel-worthy.



Piddling around in my shop Monday…getting rid of a few things, doing some rearranging and going through some scrap lumber, etc and decided to put to use a little less than half a sheet of 1/2“ white birch. Plenty to build a reel stand with, so that’s what I burned a couple of hours doing. Have several pieces of 3/8” all-thread and tons of hardware so didn’t have to make a run for anything. 36” tall x 30” wide x 10” deep (picture distorts it a little, of course it’s absolutely square). Little bottom area to throw string sets, etc in. Bottom area will also hold three reels stacked on each other and not extend above the wall height. I may put some 1x4 or 1x6 feet on it front to rear on the outer edges and mount some 2” or 3” locking casters all the way around. I’ll throw a coat or two of paint on it and call it done. It’ll hold plenty of future purchased reels…will prob designate each all-thread rod by 16, 17, 18 gauge.

Great, I wonder if 2 inch pieces of 3/4 inch diameter PVC pipe between each reel and then longer pieces at the two ends might keep the reels straight.


I just got a reel of PL2 1.25 mm for a smooth cross (to go with YPTPgrey) but Black Zone 17 looks like a another quality round poly people like.

If it plays a little differently I don't mind having both.


tbh, I think I have set of BZ in the cubby but I am out hurt so no way to do any test drives for a while yet (6—8w).
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Great, I wonder if 2 inch pieces of 3/4 inch diameter PVC pipe between each reel and then longer pieces at the two ends might keep the reels straight.
Would prob work just fine to keep the reels straight.
-what about the "pool noddles" :unsure:
-something round and supportive enough to straighten the reels, similar to your PCV idea, but easier to work with, IMO
-you can pick the color you like most :giggle::-D(y)