Regarding TW Gift Certificates


Hall of Fame
I was going to order a gift certificate, and I saw this.

Can my gift certificate expire? No, but we would like it redeemed in a reasonable time frame.

In the state of California, gift certificates from what I understand does not expire by state law.

If the TW gift certificate was redeemed over the reasonable time frame, then does the full amount or remaining amount of the gift certificate is credited back to the orignal purchaser? This sounds like an experation time frame if the gift certificate is redeemed over the "reasonable time frame".

What is the definition of "reasonable time frame"?

TW Staff

As stated, your gift certificate will not expire. We would prefer that it is redeemed in a somewhat timely manner, but that is up to the recipient. Regardless, the info will be stored in our system for when it is redeemed.

Chris, TW.
The definition "reasonable time frame" is an "arbitrary statement" and it would not result in there being ANY set expiration for the gift certificate. I live in New York, which does allow for gift certificates to have an expiration date, but it must be a SPECIFIC date, such as "Gift Certificate expires 12/31/06". In the absence of a specific exp. date, there is NO exp. date. So as long as TW is still in business 20 years from now, they would HAVE to honor the gift certificate even if you wait 20 years to use the gift certificate.