Replacement grommets for Fischer Pro No 1 FT

Hello TW,

I just installed my last set of grommets. Since this is my main racket these days I want to stock up on grommets. I was wondering if grommets of Pacific X force Pro 16x20 will fit my racket? This Pro No 1 release was unique on two counts. The racket is extended length (27.25") and has a Frequency Tuning (FT) feature that provides enhanced ball feel on contact. It's 98 sq inch, Black and Red, with 16x20 string pattern.


TW Staff


Seems like a match. Same exact headsize and string patterns/instructions, and they likely share the same mold (though the XFP is cut to standard length). However, we have no first hand experience on the interchangeability, so we can only speculate. There are plenty of stringers who would likely take the risk of a sub $5 purchase and do some careful eye-balling with grommet in hand.


Seems like a match. Same exact headsize and string patterns/instructions, and they likely share the same mold (though the XFP is cut to standard length). However, we have no first hand experience on the interchangeability, so we can only speculate. There are plenty of stringers who would likely take the risk of a sub $5 purchase and do some careful eye-balling with grommet in hand.


Thanks Jon! I was not sure if the XFP and Pro No 1 share the same mold. I guess the best way is to order one and find out first hand. Will do that and post my findings here.

The Pacific Xforce Pro grommets I ordered from TW just arrived. I am happy to report that they are same grommets used by Fischer Pro No 1 FT. The new grommets have two part numbers, Fischer (F252) and Pacific (P992). My old Pro No 1 FT grommets have F252.